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Which is better? HDR lighting or Bloom lighting?


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Personally I prefer HDR, because it makes everything look better, and gives the game a more enticing look. Sure, bloom and AA is great, but unless you have a really decent comp you are gonna lag down when you get near an Oblivion gate. I've seen the game run amazing with AA x6 on a friends comp, but when he got to an Oblivion gate his fps went from 30 to about 1/2. I kid you not. He had FRAPS, and the FPS actually said "0". Then a second later it said "1", so I assume his average FPS around an Oblivion gate is half a frame per second, lol. HDR and AF is all you need to make the game look amazing and play great as well.
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I have use both and in my personal opinion i use Bloom, the reason? the HDR looks better on buildings and such but for me the light can be to bright on the human bodies, i use AAx2 with bloom and prefer it more to HDR
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