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FackRules - BANNED

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FackRules banned.




Reason for the ban


Ban evasion.


FackRules, on 12 Feb 2016 - 12:31 AM, said:


Yeah, that's really hurt my feelings. I have an old account, let's say DB and another new one, say it MW. What I want to do is to change username from DB to MW, but the forum has no option to change username directly so I had to create a new account.


I created that and announced in my old account, saying "This is the elder account of MW, please directly contact to MW." and so the new one "This is the new account of DB, please do not contact the old one." Do you know what I got? Banned. Said in the ban reason: multiple account abuse.


OMG, I have my mods in DB and I can't even touch mine!


One doesn't simply trust Nexus Mods. It is just like a friend that stabs you to your back.


Yeah, I know. I will get banned in seconds.



One account per person

Members are only allowed to be in possession of one account on the site. Members caught using more than one account will be regarded as attempting to exploit or circumvent features on the site and will have both their accounts banned. If you are experiencing problems with your account please contact the admins using the Contact Us links on the sites and we'll work to resolve the issue for you.


Account closure/termination

If you do not intend to use your Nexus Mods account any longer or you have other compelling reasons to have your account closed then you can request the Nexus staff to block your access to your account in a dedicated thread (Account Closure Requests) on our forums. Due to certain considerations we do not delete accounts so this action will take the form of a special type of ban. When we close accounts your email address is scrubbed from our database to ensure your privacy.


You should also note that if you repeatedly request the closing and re-opening of your account then, depending on the circumstances and subject to the judgment of the staff, it may be regarded as an abuse of the account closure request feature and your account may be terminated permanently.



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