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MCM Script Stumped

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ok I give up. Can't figure out why my MCM function isn't working in a specific instance. This code works perfectly for dozens of other menu categories but for this one category it leaves several items as blank titled check marks meaning it isn't acquiring the name of the item. The ONLY difference I can see between these missing items and the other items on the list that are working is the fact that the missing items are weapons rather than armor. The other thing is that these weapon items are actually on a sub formlist which the code is able to make a deep dive for and return the name just fine on the weapons. Furthermore this function works as written on any named object no matter of form type if it's on the native formlist rather than a subform.


Any advice is appreciated.



Function ListItem()
   ObjectReference DISP
   Form ITM

While Index < ITMCNT
    DISP = DISPLIST.GetAt(Index) as ObjectReference
    ITM = ITMLIST.GetAt(Index) as Form
    if ITM.GetName() != ""    
        ItemName = ITM.GetName()
        SubList = ITMLIST.GetAt(Index) as FormList
        ITM = Sublist.GetAt(0) as Form
debug.notification("item is " + ITM.getname() + " ")
        ItemName = ITM.GetName()
        if DISP.IsEnabled()
            AddToggleOption(" " + ItemName + " ", true)
            AddToggleOption(" "+ ItemName +" ", False)
    Index += 1

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Because it's just for the purposes of acquiring the name. The main list has 60 items and the sublists each have only 2 and they are both named the same thing (one is enchanted and one is unenchanted),and both the weapons on these sublists are properly named just like the armor items but for some reason they just will not acquire the name from weapons on sublists in this case.

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Have you tried just the line


if ITM.GetName()


instead of


if ITM.GetName() != ""


Empty Strings should return false either way


edit: also another thought, maybe check that the weapons don't have non-empty but blank strings in their name field, such as " " or something similar.

Edited by blennus
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