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I need to know how to implement these things in my mod. Thanks.


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I'm creating a mod to overhaul the game to my liking. These are some things I want to implement, but can't find enough information on.



How can I setup a static uniform for all of my soldiers? IE: Get rid of the random element completely. As a secondary to this, can I have the game apply a new uniform once a Class has been selected? I hate having to do it manually every time, in every game I play. I want to set the exact armor style they wear (Delta 3 Helmet, Option 0 for torso, legs, and arms) and the color/pattern on each.



What on earth do all the soldier stats affect? Psi Power, Will, and HP are obvious. But what about Strength, Combatsims, Defense, High Cover Concealment?



Is there a way to make promotions automatically assign a particular skill? In other words, instead of having two skill trees to choose from, the game gives a specific skill(s) when you level up. Just like earning Squad Sight as a Sharpshooter without having to select it, I'd like that to happen every level with no pop-up at all.


Man, I had a lot more question but can't think of them right now. It's late. :)

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i dont want to sound rude but we are not here to make you a mod, most of the stuff you described are possible but you cant just sit back and expect us to figure how to do those things and report back to you- get things going, experiment look at the code,change things. unless someone out there is also interested in that functionality and has enough time or motivation no one is going to devote time to try your ideas when they probably have their own ideas to implement.

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You may have to research these yourself and then post what you learned. The best way is to find some mods that do close to what you want, and then examine the files to see how they did it. For example, this mod forces all rookies to have the same uniform:




And various "new class" mods include new skill trees. I suppose if you build a skill tree with just one skill at each level, the game will automatically pick it, like first level for all existing classes. But, try it and find out. I found the rifleman mod easy to understand:




Good luck!

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I've been looking at other Mods and it's just not clicking for me how some things are getting implemented. I looked at http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=622023580&searchtext=uniform and I seem to be missing something about how it's implemented in Mod Buddy.


As for new Classes, that's exactly what I've done in my mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623087464

The game does not automatically assign one Skill, it still creates the Skill Tree and puts the starting skill in the second tree. I had to place my Skill in both trees to ensure it gets chosen.


What I'm wanting to do now is assign a specific uniform to each class like the Mod above, I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, or what I'm missing.


To Eldaddy, it was rude. This forum is here so the community can help each other out, that means asking questions. Go troll somewhere else.

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Thanks for the link to your mod. It seems like you have already done a lot of research, which was not clear from your original post. Maybe you can ask some more specific questions which may get answered, such as, "When there is only one skill choice in vanilla classes, how come it gets auto-selected? In my own class when I have one skill choice, it doesn't get auto-selected". Also maybe you can contact the mod author of the uniform mod, if there is some key part of it which isn't obvious.


Maybe eldaddy's comment doesn't apply to you, but in general, specific questions that show the things you have already tried are more likely to get a response.

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You cant expect us to just research for you right? i mean if you had some code here and asking what isnt working or where could it improve i would gladly help you but from what it looks like you were just posting a question and expecting us to jump in and write you a mod. i didnt want to come out rude but just to tell you that you cant expect us to help you when you dont even have any basic effort showing

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Part of the problem with not knowing the answer is not knowing the right questions to ask, I guess.

I can make the simple artwork and get it implemented, and I can change the hell out of some INI files, but the scripting language is still beyond me-- I'm definitely not a programmer.


Also, I wasn't expecting anyone to research for me; I asked in case someone already knew the answer.

Edited by mccordrm
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i am sorry i came out rude, i am all for people coding and making art and everything, it's just i hate those people who think they have "THE BEST IDEA EVA!" and everybody must come in and help, and i get that people cant code, i cant do art. if you give me something more concrete to work with i'll take a look and see where i could help

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