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UI overlap

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I've run the mods for a while now, but I'm getting a lot of crashes around NV. Specifically, Camp McCarran, Aerotech offices, and Freeside crash frequently...

Here's my load order.



NVR - Extra Actions Lib.esm


Machienzo - NPC Cosmetic Fixes - Ver 1.55.esm


Project Nevada - Core.esm



Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

WME - Dead Money.esm

FOOK - New Vegas.esm

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm


Thermal Vision.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm


nVamp - Really Awesome Travels.esm

nVamp - Pathway To Glory.esm

nVamp - Art Of War.esm

nVamp - Gizmos n' Gadgets.esm

nVamp - Crafted And Dangerous.esm

nVamp - Combat nVamped.esm

nVamp - Effects nVamped.esm

nVamp - More Of Everything.esm

nVamp - Core.esm

nVamp - Dead Money.esm

nVamp - Dead Money - WME.esm

nVamp - Hardcore nVamped.esm


Lucky 38 Suite Expansion.esp


NVR - Extra Actions Toggle - Walk.esp

NVR - Lock Bombing.esp


FOOK - New Vegas.esp

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp

XFO - 1aa - Accuracy Revamp - mild.esp

XFO - 4a - Perks - Paths.esp

XFO - 5b - Skills - SP Formula Rebalance.esp

XFO - 6aa - Epic Skills - Effects Over 100 (NVSE req).esp

XFO - 8a - Cripple & Body Part Revamp.esp

XFO - 8c - Karma Rebalance.esp

PMT - Explosive Robots.esp

PMT - Gravity Kills.esp

PMT - Slower Reloading No Visible Perk.esp

AllCompanionsEssential 2.0.esp

Light Step ED-E.esp

Oven Cooking.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Covered Face For Less Reputation.esp

LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp

Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp

LUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.esp

ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

FNVEnhancedShaders - AA-DOF Enable.esp


Sexy Nightgowns.esp


Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp


nVamp - XFO.esp

nVamp - Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

nVamp - Settings.esp


nVamp - Effects nVamped.esp

nVamp - Hardcore nVamped.esp

nVamp - Dead Money.esp




Bashed Patch, 0.esp


Total active plugins: 74

Total plugins: 105

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With DarNUI - did you modify the Fallout.ini and Fallout_default.ini as directed in the mod description? The "overlap" problem sounds like the fonts are not being used properly with the UI changes, this means that the ini file(s) were not properly modified.
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The UI's back to normal, thanks!

As for the crashes, I was able to get into Freeside via the North Gate. I haven't tried the East gate yet, but it crashed twice before the North wiothout letting me in. I also crashed upon entering the central part of freeside, where the Kings are, but I haven't tried again yet so I can't tell if it's just a freak occurence.

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