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help with script that activates at certain time of day


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tunaisafish thanks that script does work quite well, it enables the static objects at around 9 to 10 pm, but then comes the small glitch, instead of disabling them at 6am they continue to stay until the next night to around 9 to 10pm then they are disabled, so basically it has them enabled for 1 whole day, then disabled for 1 whole day.

I can run this with my mod, I think it will work just fine as it is, but if there are any suggestions as to what is causing that last little hiccup Id greatly apprcieate it, thanks

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Hmmm puzzling. If you copied that script verbatim then I can't see why there'd be that problem. Maybe there's a logical typo in there that I'm blind to as I wrote it. You did delete all the other old scripts too?


Long shot, but you could try having the references initially enabled or using an enable parent (similar thread)

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