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RobCo "Vampire" NVG - Night Vision Goggles


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I am working on a night vision mod and I thought I start a discussion/WIP Thread for the mod.


I want to create a first gen night vision device, that doesn't let you see for miles and just gives you a slight advantage by amplifying the lights from the moon, stars, or other light sources. In very dark places you would still have to use a flashlight, or your pip boy.


So far I released a craftable version that uses the welding goggles model




My future plans are:


- Better model (I use the welding goggles at this time)
- Some kind of frame effect on the screen
- Distortion or scan line effects
- Some NVG's hidden at lore friendly locations (maybe selfmade locations and a quest)
- Toggle Key
- Maybe add different colors, if requested. I like the green.
- Maybe a nice animation, were you can flip it up and down.


I started to watch videos on how some things are done in Skyrim, so I can start with the work, when the Creation Kit comes out, but I am still new to modding in Bethesda Games, so any advice would be highly appreciated.


If you have any links to tutorials, suggestions, requests, please let me know. I am looking especially for advice on the frame for the screen and the distortion effects. I already watched some videos about animations, but I think I will do this at last.


I will try to make a nice 3d model, but that was never my strong side, so if you are a talented 3d, or 2d artist and you would like to help, please let me know. I am thinking on making a device that looks kind of bulky and can be flipped up or down and fit under the normal headgear, like helmets, or caps.


So the work begins :blush:


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Could probably try to wind up some sort of model, not too certain what I should try to focus on next with some projects already published (but not necessarily finished) and other in development.


Considering that it'd need to be compatible with other pieces of headgear, the design used in Splinter Cells might be most suitable:



Edited by Junnari
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I like the look of that device, but i thought of a model that can be flipped up.




I thought of making 2 model positions and connect them to a toogle key, so it would switch to the upper position, when you turn it off. Maybe an animation at a later time, but that is something I would do at last. With a source model, I should be able to do this on my own, but it is the creative part, that isn't really my cup of tea.


The straps on the head should be thin to avoid clipping with headgear. The model I have in mind, should look clunky, or maybe quadratic and not that well formed like in my picture. I don't really know, how to put this in words. :blush: It should have that "old tech", or maybe prototyp look, so it would fit more into the game. Maybe just a box with optics and some buttons, or a toogle wheel.


I would appreciate it, if you would back my project with a nice model, but I understand of course, that your own projects have priority.

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The issue I see with flip-up NVG is that it would have limited compatibility with headgear such as caps and mining helmets that have visor or similar, and it would be harder to make it fitting with multiple headgear items in general. Having the NVG use a fixed design would reduce these issues notably.

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Yes, you are right, maybe it would be easier to just add a key to toggle it on and off and keep the visible frame on the screen, as long as you have it on.


I just found a picture of the NVG from Fallout 3. That looks nice. I had something like that in mind, maybe a bit longer.




Can I port models from Fallout 3 to 4, or is this not allowed?

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It would make things simpler, especially since you wouldn't need to worry about the animations.


You can use existing mods that were made for other games assuming they don't use that game's vanilla content, and assuming that you can get the permission from the creator, but the original files from the game can't be used. As far as I know you can however make your own version based on such items as long as it doesn't infringe copyrights or otherwise violate laws that protect it.

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If you could take the time, to make something like that, it would be a big help. Otherwise I could try to make something like this myself, but I would need to buy a program and learn it from the start. What program do you use, or would you recommend? Is it possible to extract models like the welding goggles from the game and use them as a base model for the nvg?


The last time a messed around with 3d models, was with oxygen2, so my knowledge is very limited. :wink:


P.S. I just saw that you did the G67 Battle Rifle. Nice work, my favortie rifle, when things get hairy.

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I personally use Blender (downloadable for free) for the 3D models, another common option would be to use 3ds Max (has 30 day free trial, and free 3 year license for students). I've done most of my textures using Paintshop Pro X8, although Photoshop is far more commonly used. Neither of these however is free, but if you are looking for free software, GIMP can do pretty much all the same things as those two.


Models, textures, sounds and other contents of FO4 can be extracted from the .ba2 archives with B.A.E. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/78/? . To be able to work on the models you'll generally first need to convert them to .obj with Nifskope, but getting them back into a .nif is bit more trickier to do but possible nonetheless.

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