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Additional skills at Squaddie rank.


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I've searched for this but had no luck. I would like to have two (gimmie) skills at the Squaddie rank instead of just one. I tried to do this with the .ini files but had no luck. I can't figure out how to use the Modbuddy and would welcome the help.


Also, if anyone knows of such a mod that already exists, then I would appreciate a link.

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AFAICT every class can get 2 skills when entering a class but only half of them actually do.

Ranger and Grenadier get 1 skill (Sword Slice and Launch Grenade)

Sharpshooter gets Pistol Shot and Squadsight

Specialist gets Hack and Aid Protocol.


Therefore you can easily give the Ranger and Grenadier an extra skill at Squaddie using just the ini file, but changing Sharpshooter or Specialist is more complicated.

For ranger, there's this line:


SoldierRanks=( aAbilityTree=( (AbilityName="SwordSlice", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon)             ),

You can simply add another ability like this:


SoldierRanks=(aAbilityTree=( (AbilityName="RunAndGun"), (AbilityName="SwordSlice", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon) ),


Same for the Grenadier, which for some reason already has empty parentheses in front of the Launch Grenade skill.

Whether or not it needs the ApplyToWeaponSlot section depends on the skill in question, and it'd probably be a good idea to not try and copy Secondary Weapon abilities to avoid crazy glitches/crashing when your ranger tries to fire a grenade with his sword or something.

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Sadly, I want to add a line to the sharpshooter for the Phantom perk. Is it possible?


Thanks for the info on the ranger though.




Also, I've seen cleaned up versions of the .ini files floating around out there. Is there a way I can get an unmodded version of these?

Edited by aariq
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