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installed oblivion on laptop with Vista


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Oblivion Stutter Remover. Streamline. Consider the Blackviper link above, removing excess services really frees cpu and ram resources. Turn off all shadowing, water reflections and full LOD in the Oblivion.ini. With Streamline, use StreamSight which provides a masking of fog for the lack of Distant objects. Streamline also has a StreamSave and Purge feature, allowing for multiple saves and timed saves. Purging the cell buffer through script allows for freeing resources on the fly. Be sure to read installation instructions for a stable gaming experience. Edited by MOTOSXORPIO
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Here's all you do to install the 4 gb patch;

Unzip and move it into your /Oblivion folder (not Data). Double click on it and select the Oblivion exe. The 4 gb patch will do the rest, it even makes a backup of the original exe.


I would also run a full virus scan and clean your windows registry just to eliminate them as possible causes of lagginess.


I do full virus scan and registry cleaner every night- AVG Full Version + AVG Tuneup.


Okay, I am trying to install the 4 gb Patch. There is no Oblivion exe. There are: Oblivion, Oblivion_default, OblivionLauncher, OblivionModManager.

Which one?




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Question--- can I use Stutter Remover with

-NMC_Bravil_LOW City (FPS Boosts by Killslasher) -for every city in the game.

NMC_Wild_Tweaked (Also FPS Boosts by Killslasher)\


I am already using these on my desktop and my game is running pretty well. However, when I dowloaded the Combat FPS mod it said "Strongly Recommended to use with Oblivion Stutter Remover." However, when I dowloaded the Stutter remover and read the Text File it looks like it might conflict with the FPS Boosts I'm already running.


If anyone knows whether or not they conflict can you just post it here?




Also, I don't understand the installation of the Combat FPS mod. There are 3 files:


All Natural Combat optimizer updated patch (Plugin Data)

Combat fps update v101 all natural weather (RAR File)

Combat FPS Optimizer (Plugin Data)


What do I do with which one??? Yes, I read the readme, but I don't understand it. Now all of you probably see why I hesitated about doing this stuff. LOL!




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For the LAA patch, apply it to Oblivion. (you probably don't have your window configured to show file extensions.) It should be listed as Type "Application" though. (if you have details selected for display style.)
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For the LAA patch, apply it to Oblivion. (you probably don't have your window configured to show file extensions.) It should be listed as Type "Application" though. (if you have details selected for display style.)


OK I did it! YAY! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Now for Combat fps mod and stutter remover. I looked at the combat mod again. I'll never figure it out.



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For Combat Fps mod, I personally had better results with ver 1.0. It was easier to set up, and worked better out of the box. Ver. 1.01 looks better, but i couldn't set it up to work as effectively as the earlier version. Keep in mind that this was one of the first mods i installed, so i may have just screwed up.


Oblivion Stutter Remover (OSR) is a plugin for the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE). It won't show up in your load order and shouldn't conflict with any mod. Check my post form 14 May on this topic for more info.


Progress update please; how much better is the game now? Which things helped the most?

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Since you are installing Streamline i will assume you have already installed OBSE. There is an OBSE plugin called Oblivion Stutter Remover that really smooths the game out. Download it, unzip it in place, open the OSR folder. the first folder is "data", this goes in your Oblivion folder, NOT the Data folder. This is important since it needs to create obse plugins folders. IMPORTANT: You need to change Streamline"s desired FPS settings to something between 10 and 30 for it to work properly with OSR. I use 12-15. This is best done in the SL ini, as changes made ingame (ctrl-home to open menu) only affect that save.

Other OBSE plugins I'd recomend; Fast Exit 2, Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System, take a look at Menu Que and Ely's Uncapper also, to see if they interest you.

Have you installed the 4gb patch yet? This will help the most.

I know i advocated disabling the UAC, but after reading bben's reply, i reactivated it and got my game out of program files.

If you check my profile you'll see that we have similar machines. It took me a long time to get this game running well. There is no magic bullet, but the cumulative effects of all the little changes really add up. Keep me posted.

Eric, I bumped your post down so that I could answer, and so that I wouldn't have to go looking for your directions again.. haha


The game is running much much better. We haven't had a crash since we added Gameboost, OBMM, OBSE, and BOSS. I added the 4gb patch today and will add Stutter Remover later tonight.


It has all helped, but the 4gb patch probably made the most difference. I played a little while tonight before I added the next thing. I just try to play after each change I add so if something won't work, I'll know (probably) what it was. After the 4 gb Patch, it's just a tiny bit laggy inside buildings- ex. Mages Guild in Anvil. Combat is better even though I haven't added the combat mod yet.


This is what I'm doing. Before I put anything on my son's computer I add and play it on my desktop. We pretty much have the same mods and games so I just use my desktop to test things first. I'm putting Streamline on his last, because I'm not putting it on mine. My desktop is running just fine now and I think the Combat and Stutter Remover Mods will get it just where I want it.


Tomorrow (probably) I'll add Streamline and Stutter Remover to his.


But to answer your question- it is doing SO much better. We could stop right now and be pretty content with what we have, but I'm going to make those final tweaks since you guys have helped us so much, and since I'm learning a lot in the 'tweaking process.'


Thanks again so much for answering my millions of questions. I'm still not finished though and I'll keep you posted as I add each tweak. Just be patient, I'm s_l_o_w... :)



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Okay, problem number 1. There is aready a folder inside my Oblivion folder called "data" The computer does not want me to add another folder with the same name. Can I just open the Stutter Remover Data file and drag over the OBSE folder?

The order is Data--OBSE--Plugins-- then the 'stuff'



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It sounds like you already have your Oblivion folder open. Back up 1 page and try again. You should see the Oblivion folder, not its contents.

Another way to install it would be to create a new folder in your Data folder called "OBSE", Another inside that one called "plugins", and move the components of OSR into that. If you do it the first way, the folders will be created for you.

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