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Papyrus script writer and voiceover artist needed!


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Hey there!


As some of you may have probably already seen, I'm working on a follower mod called Odavira Dragoness Follower. The first version is already out, and all it contains is Odavira in her dragon form. I've promised followers of the mod these three things:


  • Add a humanoid aspect to allow her to transform and follow you into interiors
  • Marriage
  • A quest line to acquire her as a follower

Unfortunately I don't know how to do any of these, and I believe that the humanoid aspect transformation would require some special scripting. On top of that, I want Odavira to be anything but just another follower. I plan to implement separate acquisition, loyalty and marriage quests (loyalty quest unlocks marriage quest), so I want an experienced voice actor to give her that special flair that she needs in order to be truly effective as a character.


Thanks for reading this! If you're interested, post below. :3

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