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impossible to click any tabs on the mod pages?


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Is possible to make this amazing site working but without javascript?




update: using a VPN on United States will avoid the problem

(example im using a free chrome extension of Hola VPN)

I actually can't reproduce this error. I'm switching between tabs no problem.


Is this still happening for people?


Tabs not switching is due to the javascript on the site not working, however, the javascript hasn't changed on our end and it is working server side. I'm concerned that you're all using the same software or plugin in your browsers, like an internet security suite or a noscript type thing which has just updated it's library/definitions and decided our javascript should be blocked. That's the main explanation for this.

Edited by maxtheduke
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I actually can't reproduce this error. I'm switching between tabs no problem.


Is this still happening for people?


Tabs not switching is due to the javascript on the site not working, however, the javascript hasn't changed on our end and it is working server side. I'm concerned that you're all using the same software or plugin in your browsers, like an internet security suite or a noscript type thing which has just updated it's library/definitions and decided our javascript should be blocked. That's the main explanation for this.


Its still happening, for me as well.

According to the chrome debugger I'm unable to retrieve these JS files:

Pinging staticdelivery.nexusmods.com gets a reply from cds.g6b5g9z5.hwcdn.net [].

So the highwinds cdn appears to be reachable but its not serving the javascript files.


For the record I'm also having the same issue in IE and Firefox. (no addons/extensions)




Guess the content delivery network just shits the bed for europeans in the weekends. Welp, time to find a VPN to upload my mod.


e: and now hola decided to not work, great.

Edited by Musluk
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Same problem in Brazil... maybe it's related to the firewall of the Nexus servers, but not only that. staticdelivery.nexus.com is always slow to respond and load pages.


Page tabs of mods still not working. Recently added images not loading too.


I investigated a bit more and all images posted im the image section prior 02/13 evening (19:30 GMT -2) are loading, but after that nothing loads. That was possibly the moment the issues started to occur.

Edited by fgambler
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