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Problem with NPC AI package type "Follow" when encountering enemies.


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I have an NPCs who has a follow AI Package which becomes active after the player has completed a quest. The NPCs is following the player around the worldspace and into interiors without problems but as soon as I encounter enemies the NPC stops moving and if the enemies are out of his sight he wont engage them. If they are in his line of sight he wont move towards them but he will shoot them. Once all enemies on the radar are dead the NPCs will continue to move and follow the Player. Its not a companion. Its a normal AI package of the type "follow". I have checked and unchecked all flags that have to do something with combat and tested it in game but nothing will prevent the NPCs from stopping as soon as he encounters enemies.


Does anyone has an Idea what could cause the NPC to stop moving or what could prevent him from stopping?

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