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I would take Fallout 4's companions over any previous Fallout or Elder Scrolls game.


I would take Mass Effects companions over Fallout 4 no questions asked.


Step in the right direction, I have mad respect for Bethesda. However, I am also very excited to have the chance to try to push the envelope with what I can mod.

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I would take Fallout 4's companions over any previous Fallout or Elder Scrolls game.


I would take Mass Effects companions over Fallout 4 no questions asked.


Step in the right direction, I have mad respect for Bethesda. However, I am also very excited to have the chance to try to push the envelope with what I can mod.

Yeah, Skyrim follower have nothing on FO4 followers.


And yeah! I just noticed that system is already there for us to use! Thanks beth!

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However, I am also very excited to have the chance to try to push the envelope with what I can mod.


There won't be much of a need to push the envelope to mod complex companions into FO4. Beth has created systems and mechanics for pretty much everything we need; comments during quests, interaction with other NPCs, a relationship quest, etc. Creating a complex character is going to much, much easier than it was in earlier games where the only thing they gave us (above and beyond basic combat and follower behavior and the dialogue directly related to that) was idle chatter and combat related chatter. I'm pretty excited about it (complex companions are my favorite thing to do.)


Step in the right direction, I have mad respect for Bethesda.



I agree. I think the problems the companions suffer from are a result of this being the first time Beth has attempted to make complex companions. I expect the next batch they attempt to be more polished.

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However, I am also very excited to have the chance to try to push the envelope with what I can mod.


There won't be much of a need to push the envelope to mod complex companions into FO4. Beth has created systems and mechanics for pretty much everything we need; comments during quests, interaction with other NPCs, a relationship quest, etc. Creating a complex character is going to much, much easier than it was in earlier games where the only thing they gave us (above and beyond basic combat and follower behavior and the dialogue directly related to that) was idle chatter and combat related chatter. I'm pretty excited about it (complex companions are my favorite thing to do.)



By push the envelope I more meant with implementation as opposed to with the technology. All the technology I could have dreamed of is there for the taking, just a few little things I want to try bending and breaking, but overall Bethesda gave me all the paintbrushes I need.


What I really want to push the envelope with is the stuff I write with pencil and paper.

Edited by TeamBacon
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Well, it IS the US.

Speaking as an outsider (I'm Belgian) the US does not make ANY sense.

They say one thing, but do the opposite, it looks as if their entire culture is based on paradoxical thinking.

One cannot show a breast on TV, but about 70% of all porn originates there.


Myeah, I are teh baffled by this.

You mean net porn? Anyone can use so it not that hard to make a porn empire.


I think cable TV is controlled by the big guys? Yet again cable has game of thrones.


Confusing horny westerners are confusing.


Shows like Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Ray Donavon, etc that have explicit sexual content are pretty much ONLY on premium cable channels, aka you paid extra for them so its okay to have that content. I cannot think of a channel you will ever see nudity in any extensive form on NON-premium channels.


Censoring language is another funny one... watching a guys head get blown off with a shotgun, brain matter everywhere.. thats ok, no need to censor that... but the guy that shot him saying "Take that mother f***er" and THAT needs censored. A word. (I censored in case of children here... I normally wouldn't care to, its just a stupid word.)


This is exactly one of these paradoxical things...

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I would take Fallout 4's companions over any previous Fallout or Elder Scrolls game.


I would take Mass Effects companions over Fallout 4 no questions asked.


Step in the right direction, I have mad respect for Bethesda. However, I am also very excited to have the chance to try to push the envelope with what I can mod.

Step in the right direction, no doubt. Just... needs about a dozen more steps, is all I'm saying :wink:

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I agree there.
However, TES 3 had quite a few awesome mods when it comes to bodies and relationships (non-sexual), one was in which you had to maintenance your relationship to keep it high up.

Ignoring the partner resulted into loss of relationship ranking.

Pretty darned clever mod, if you ask me.

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I agree there.

However, TES 3 had quite a few awesome mods when it comes to bodies and relationships (non-sexual), one was in which you had to maintenance your relationship to keep it high up.

Ignoring the partner resulted into loss of relationship ranking.

Pretty darned clever mod, if you ask me.

Sounds like quite the bother if you ask me.

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I think that when dealing with AI calculations are required. Thus, you get -2 for Piper if you murder an innocent, you get +0.25 for each picked lock. I think an easy step would be for more realistic consequences built into the calculations. You murder someone, Piper won't have anything else to do with you. Perhaps she even documents it in the paper and others trust you less. Perhaps the lock picking could be changed to only add to your score once for each difficulty level...


I like Piper and Curie okay (they do get repetitious). Kate is just annoying. Nick is funny for a while, Deacon is just creepy...


I have too much fun killing the arrogant BOS and Institute folks to have Danse or X6-88 as companions.


The action I regret the most so far in Fallout 4 is killing the Abernathy's cat by hitting it with a Vertibird. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really a cat person. Well, at least he didn't suffer much.

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