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tutorial request: simple graphics, new class/skill icons


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There are a ton of mods which add a new class, or new skill. These are pretty easy to do with some ini file editing, and a little bit of unrealscript for simple new abilities. But, none of these mods add a new icon for the class (which shows in the main tactical view lower left when the character is selected) or the skill (which shows in the soldier abilities dialog). Assuming a modder has the skill to make a small icon in photoshop/gimp in whatever file format is needed, can somebody suggest the 2-3 steps to add these icons to the mod?


For a little more complexity, suppose I add a new tactical skill which requires a numbered button. Can I just drop in a new icon and have the game use it?

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Or this (( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3774790-project-quick/ )) ... once you are ready to dig MUCH deeper into various coding systems like i currently have to. I'm planning for a qUIck ('ahem-cough-cough) release when a lot of HUD & UI assets will be integrated in a major overhaul MOD.


Two-three weeks at best, progressively.


I'd also recommend grabbing any of the numerous Mods created by others currently available in Steam-Workshop; Assassin Class (with Viper red Icon) for example --- (( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619045526&searchtext=Assassin ))


Everything you'll almost ever need is already there, SRC files included. :D

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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