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XCOM 2 Unreal Editor Errors


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When I load up the Unreal Editor I get these errors.


Load Errors


Missing Files:

Can't find file for package 'DLC_30_HumanShared' while loading ..\..\XComGame\Content\XCOM_2\Packages\Characters\Humans\HumanShared.upk
Can't find file 'UnitPalettes'
Can't find file 'XAudio2'
Can't find file 'WinDrv'
Missing Objects:
Texture2D sky_resources_cp.Textures.t_cloudmask_r_sunset in jdev_skies
Texture2D sky_resources_cp.Textures.t_cloudmasks_01 in jdev_skies
Texture2D sky_resources_cp.Textures.t_starmask_01 in jdev_skies
Texture2D sky_resources_cp.Textures.t_sun_rgb in jdev_skies
Package TerrainPackage.OLD in Zel_Dev
Texture2D TerrainPackage.OLD.T_Dirt_DIFF in Zel_Dev
Texture2D TerrainPackage.OLD.T_Grass_DIFF in Zel_Dev
Package Level_Design_Construction_Kit.Meshes in epacePackage
StaticMesh Level_Design_Construction_Kit.Meshes.CWall_192 in epacePackage
I'd like to know how to ideally fix these errors of if they're going to effect any mods I develop using the Editor.
Screenshot for Reference of what it looks like in the Editor. http://puu.sh/n7Yan/82f59d22b0.png


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I have heard that the game shipped with a small number of missing files. I know that this is true for other games I have modded. If the editor comes up and allows you to publish , you probably don't need to worry about them.


Kind of weird that it would be the case, but I'd still like to know if I'm supposed to have those files in the editor or not. I almost need to contact some of the people that have published a few mods to confirm that they are also missing those files and etc. I should be able to develop mods with it as is, but I'd rather not needlessly create errors if I can help it.

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