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Bigger Orcs.....


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Hello all, never done this before but i guess im gonna request a mod,. Ive always felt that the orcsin skyrim were a bit lackluster...and i want them to look like the orcs from Of Orcs and Men. Bigger more muscular and taller. But it would have to be specifically for orcs only and would have to at least work woth all vanilla armors and immersive armors. Anyways thanks to anybody that comments on this thread and super thanks to anyone willing to take a whack at making this mod hopefully it will inspire someone....

Edited by STEVKAN12345
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I know that things like RaceMenu and Bodyslide and such let you edit certain proportions of your player character. I personally don't know if there is a way to apply such changes to the NPCs without editing each one one by one, but its certainly possible for your player character.

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