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Yet another floating grass problem


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so I have this grass problem, where the grass created in one worldspace kind of "transfers" itself to another (that's just ridiculous). I have attached a screenshot. I have followed the instructions on http://www.creationkit.com/Floating_Grass_Fix, and yes, the grass does update, when I, for example change the height of the terrain, but it didint solve the "transfering" of the grass. I havent found any other solutions on the Internet.

Does anybody know what needs to be done about this haunting grass problem?




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  • 3 months later...

I too have tried the fix to no avail... The in-game fix works until the next worldspace is loaded, but the .ini tweaks do absolutely nothing to prevent this bug in-game and in-CK.


Have you had any luck with this OP?

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