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Personal Combat Knife


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Hey all, Please read the whole post, because I've got a lot to share here, and I'm gonna try cutting the clutter a little. while I don't own Fallout 3 for the PC, I had an idea for a mod that hopefully someone will create and share with the community. You guys can judge whether it's a good idea or not. Upgrading and creating will use a variety of workbench crafting recipes.


Have you ever wanted a weapon that you built yourself, and that you never part with? Like the Combat Knife, but have more powerful weapons or just can't get your hands on a unique version? Hopefully if this is used that problem will be fixed.


While Dad would have preferred you to stay in the vault, he left behind schematics for a formidable survival knife incase you're crazy enough to actually leave the vault looking for him. Of course, I'm sure none of you will do that, right?

Anyway, the knife is identical to a trench knife and called "Survival Knife", (So Operation Anchorage is probably required) unless whoever might make this mod wants it to resemble a combat knife. (One of both, maybe? two files?) the starting version, (lvl 1-4) will do 10 damage per strike, just slightly over that of a baseball bat. once at level 5, you can upgrade the weapon to do 15 damage per strike, and at level 10, 20 damage a strike, to the point that it does 30 damage a strike at level 20. In VATS, the survival knife will use the same number of APs as a regular combat knife. To build the weapon, you need a lawnmower blade, scrap metal, and some wonderglue. To upgrade it, you'll need any version of the knife, (to make it easier to create if you wish.) and scrap metal. But the good part comes with the skill-related upgrades. Using special parts, you can unlock formulas for the weapon when you hit 75 in a skill. Seeing as this is a suggestion, It's the creator in question's choice of how many upgrades can be fit onto the knife, and whether it alters appearance or not.


- Science: Using a fission battery and wonderglue, you glue the battery onto the hilt of the blade, electrifying the blade. This will add a damage-over-time effect to the weapon. 4 damage per second for 5 seconds, no matter what level the knife is.


-Explosives: Using 3 cherry bombs and Turpentine, (flammable liquid, not a battery like i used to think it was.) Each strike will cause an explosion, dealing 10 damage to the enemy no matter what level the knife is.


-Speech: using a pilot light and a hammer, you spruce the knife up to make you seem richer or something. While equipped, grants a +5% chance to pass a speech check.


-Barter: Pilot light and hammer, you do the same thing to the knife as with speech, but instead you buy items for 5% cheaper.


-Repair: With 2 lumps of scrap metal, you reinforce various parts of the handle and blade alike, increasing durability by 25%


-Small Guns: With wonderglue and scrap metal, you attach the survival knife onto your weapon, causing it to act as a bayonet. Each melee attack against the player causes the target to take 5 damage.


-Big guns: Same materials and effect as with Small Guns.


-Lockpicking: With a bobby pin and a wrench, you attach those two items to the bottom of your blade, with the wrench being as small as the bobby pin, and now lockpicks will never break.


-Energy weapons: Using a fission battery and wonderglue, you attach the battery to the knife, and instead of a damage-over-time component you deal 10 energy damage instantly with each strike.


-Melee weapons: Using 2 heaps of scrap metal, you increase the weight of the knife so it does 5 extra damage per strike, while increasing weight by 1 pound. This should be compatible with at least 1 other upgrade, is possible.


-Sneak: Using a scalpel and forceps, you decrease the weight of the knife by 1 and do 50% more damage with critical strikes, but you do 5 less damage per regular strike.


-Medicine: Using tweezers and Med-X, you gain +10% damage resistance when you drop below 30% health, similar to the prototype power armor effect.


-Unarmed: This is why I wanted the weapon to resemble a trench knife. Using brass knuckles and wonderglue, you take the parts from the knife and rearrange them into a version of spiked knuckles that do the same damage as the knife did, and CAN BE UPGRADED.


If I missed a skill please post the skill i missed and I will be happy to think of a way to use that skill in upgrades. If somebody actually DOES create this, then all I ask is that you give me credit for it. Thank you for reading :D

Edited by Flipout6
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