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Configurable Power Armor Fusion Core Drain Rebalancing mod request.


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Now, as I'm not a modder I don't know if it's possible to address this yet without the Creation Kit, but there's a mod that I like using and the general idea, but it also breaks the game pretty badly if used. Configurable Power Armor Fusion Core Drain mod slows down or even eliminates Fusion Core drain as is lore friendly and makes Power Armor actually useful, however my issue is that it causes things to go the opposite direction and make Power Armor incredibly overpowered if used. Here's the mod:


Configurable Power Armor Fusion Core Drain: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/325/?


Since Power Armor is designed with Fusion Core drain in mind, it's supposed to be something you bring in to deal with something really tough, therefore if you use the above mod you become pretty much invincible and have little reason to use anything else because Bethesda balanced it under the assumption that you'll rarely ever use it. Therefore, my request is for a mod designed to allow the player to configure the general stats of Power Armor across the board, specifically meant to work in conjunction with the CPAFCD mod to rebalance Power Armor to account for it, and if possible might as well allow it to work solo for those who just want to configure Power Armor balance.

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