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A tough problem - Changing the number of character slots in MP


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I've been trying to mod the multiplayer squad editor, but haven't been able to change how many UI buttons appear (currently six).

There's an important bit of code in UIMPShell_SquadEditor which calls various functions in UIList:

m_kSlotList = Spawn(class'UIList', self);
m_kSlotList.InitList('', listX, -400, Movie.UI_RES_X - 20, 310, true).AnchorBottomLeft();
m_kSlotList.itemPadding = listItemPadding;

There's also this in UIPawnMgr:

//this is the MP squad loadout we're checking for the units to spawn
simulated function SetCheckGameState(XComGameState MPGameState)
CheckGameState = MPGameState;

function bool DefaultVariablePredicate(Name VarName)
return true;

Would really appreciate some help to figure out what to do next! Has anyone looked at this themselves? If so, have I overlooked something obvious?

Edited by cow99
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