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Skyrim Moon Appearance - Way to fix?


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Hello everyone,

Skyrim's moons have always bugged me but I haven't been able to put my finger on it until now (partly because it isn't entirely noticeable unless there are auroras anyway) I am working on a new ENB that combines elements of selected ENB's that I feel are the most realistic. While doing so, it finally came to me what is wrong with Skyim's moons: They are drawn as if they exist INSIDE Skyrim's atmosphere. Aurora's should NOT appear behind them. The darkness of the moon should also not be so different from the rest of the night sky's coloration. That darkness issue may be an artifact of the ENB but the rest is a problem with Skyrim itself. Are aurora textures part of the sky texture or can the moon texture be put in front of them? Can this be fixed?


I would build the mod myself but I am not certain if this is an inherent flaw of the way the sky is "drawn" or if it is fixable.

Edited by primem0ver
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