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Will make custom CM partners!


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Btw ghoulz, can you give me a link to these pictures or save games? It will make things easier for me i believe.


Link to save games, hows that possible? And what you mean by link to the pictures? Sorry for the ignorance.


Oh... you mean stuff like Mediafire...? That's all I got though if you can't access mediafire.

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You can use Wrye Bash to do it. Open up Wrye Bash, select the mod that you want your new CM companion to be in, right-click it, and select Import -> Face. Then just choose the save game that has the player's face you want.


Open up the mod file in the CS and look through the NPC list. Wrye Bash creates a new npc in the mod file with the player's face. The new npc will have "sg" in front (for save game), followed by 3 letters such as Dun, Imp, Red, etc. (for Dunmer, Imperial, Redguard, etc.). If the player was a custom race, then the 3 letters are Unk (for Unknown). Following that is the player's name.


If the player was a custom race, then the NPC will default to being vampire race, but don't worry, it'll look the same as the player once you change the race, since all the facial slider positions were saved.


Thanks for this - worked a treat! She's here if you want to see the results;




Couldn't have done it without you guys.


Also as a new idea for your custom CM partners; If nobody's already suggested this to you yet - it would be great to see a couple of partners based on the new Synx race :P

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Ghoulz, savegames would be the way to go for any new NPCs... because then it would be easy to copy the facegen data. try 4shared.com :)


And as fg109 said, it is very easy to copy the faces from a save. Also very easy to create the CM. A little harder to place them in game without the CS though, but i usually use shops or taverns as reference ;) (you can use the shopkeeper as the position, just modify the x or y a little ;)

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Ghoulz, savegames would be the way to go for any new NPCs... because then it would be easy to copy the facegen data. try 4shared.com :)


And as fg109 said, it is very easy to copy the faces from a save. Also very easy to create the CM. A little harder to place them in game without the CS though, but i usually use shops or taverns as reference ;) (you can use the shopkeeper as the position, just modify the x or y a little ;)


Everything says you need wyre bash :psyduck:


What, then how is kingtitan doing it?


Well, I'll at least try to make sense of all of this in the meantime while titan is busy. Im basically a noob copy n' paste type of modder. That's what I done with other games. Copy some script, paste as new template and tweak this or that. But I don't know if the CS is overly complex or not. I never could figure out how to use Unreal Editor for that game, lol. Everything I ever done was using simple 3rd party converter tool to change game files into workable text then simply repack it. Nothing like this.

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Well you COULD use a program like FaceGen 3.1 (which is the commercial prorgam Beth's facegen is based on), then use a mod like FaceGenExchange (look on Fallout Nexus for it, works for Oblivion too, if you have the right FaceGen data, which you can also find on the Nexus) and copy paste the hex data :) That is how i do it anyway ;)


Of course adding the AI scripts and equipment and such you will have to do in Tes4Edit or the CS, i prefer the first and only use the CS for placing...


Wrye Bash just seemed like the easy way out, that is why everybody mentioned it ;)


And of COURSE you could just do it all in the CS, but they usually look like crap then. And making custom race CMs in the CS is a nightmare. Better to create the basis only there, then add everything by using other tools.

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Well you COULD use a program like FaceGen 3.1 (which is the commercial prorgam Beth's facegen is based on), then use a mod like FaceGenExchange (look on Fallout Nexus for it, works for Oblivion too, if you have the right FaceGen data, which you can also find on the Nexus) and copy paste the hex data :) That is how i do it anyway ;)


Of course adding the AI scripts and equipment and such you will have to do in Tes4Edit or the CS, i prefer the first and only use the CS for placing...


Wrye Bash just seemed like the easy way out, that is why everybody mentioned it ;)


And of COURSE you could just do it all in the CS, but they usually look like crap then. And making custom race CMs in the CS is a nightmare. Better to create the basis only there, then add everything by using other tools.


WITHOUT Bash? Can't find tutorials other than the ones TELLING you to use bash :facepalm:


But it is possible to make custom race partners in the CS!? I wish I could find a tut on that....

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A CM partner I made won't wear gear I give her, and when I just look at her stuff, she gets completely naked even when I didn't take anything out. What did I do wrong?

Sorry, gotta bump this, because noone said what I'm doing wrong in the question I asked above.


Bumping really isnt allowed here on the nexus sites. Try adding some more information to the post. That will not only be within the rules but it will also help these folks assist you in tracking down the problem. ;)

Good luck and hope you get it sorted out.

-DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff

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