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Will make custom CM partners!


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If you havent noticed already, I can't provide support for this thread anymore. Work has been building up and of course, that takes priority. Sorry for the inconvenience! I may still be able to help with questions regarding partners, but I just don't have the time to make them anymore.
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Yes, I will most certainly do my best to. However, you have to use bash if you want to utilize face switching. Its not possible any other way (as far as I know). If you have any more questions tho, feel free to ask as I may know the answer. As far as custom race CM partners go, just make sure that you set the custom race.esp as the active file when making a new partner. Otherwise you will will have to create an .esp to deal with dependance discrepancies. It can get kind of confusing and frustrating, but as I said, don't be afraid to post questions, becasue if i don't know the answer, chances are someone on the forums does.
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Basically you aren't really creating a "new" .esp. Essencially (sp* sorry) you are simply adding your custom race partner to the existing custom race .esp. All you have to do is go into the CS, select oblivion.esm, cm partners.esm, cm partners.esp, and the custom race.esp of your choice. However when you get to selecting the custom race.esp, go ahead and make it the ACTIVE FILE. This allows the game to recognize the mod's dependencies within the .esp, whereas it crashes when you have a brand new .esp (it can't load/locate the necessary dependencies if done that way). Then go ahead like normal and design your partner the way you want it, following the tutorial (if you are new to the cm design). Save your "changes" (additions really) and exit the cs. Your new custom race partner should be wherever you placed him/her and should work like any other race. I have done it with at least three custom races so it should work. If you have any more questions feel free to post them.
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Well you COULD use a program like FaceGen 3.1 (which is the commercial prorgam Beth's facegen is based on), then use a mod like FaceGenExchange (look on Fallout Nexus for it, works for Oblivion too, if you have the right FaceGen data, which you can also find on the Nexus) and copy paste the hex data :) That is how i do it anyway ;)


Of course adding the AI scripts and equipment and such you will have to do in Tes4Edit or the CS, i prefer the first and only use the CS for placing...


Wrye Bash just seemed like the easy way out, that is why everybody mentioned it ;)


And of COURSE you could just do it all in the CS, but they usually look like crap then. And making custom race CMs in the CS is a nightmare. Better to create the basis only there, then add everything by using other tools.


WITHOUT Bash? Can't find tutorials other than the ones TELLING you to use bash :facepalm:


But it is possible to make custom race partners in the CS!? I wish I could find a tut on that....


Ghoulz, the tutorial doc coming with CM partners is actually quite informative. All you need to do in CS is to make the new NPC and add the necessary AI Packages from CMpartners to them. Well and obviously give them equipment.


If you want to use custom races you need to make those races into .esm (if they are .esp) or the CS will not save them correctly. Just check them when you make the new NPC. You can use a program like Gecko to make an esm out of an esp and also to change the master that is now needed by the new NPC back to the esp file. Again, Wrye Bash does that in a lot easier way. I do not really see why you would not want to use it, as it is a great tool for players, but quite essential for modders. Pretty much like Tes4Edit. Great for players, but must for modders, even if all you do is change an animation. Both don't have the garbage errors attached that the CS will produce inevitably when you edit an outdoor cell for example.


The only thing the CS is good for in my eyes is script parsing as that can not be done with any other tool i know of.

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To heck with that, I'll take Titan's advice and lazily add it to the race esp :sweat:




Looky, no CTD :dance:


Thought it would be more complex than simply tinkering with the race esp. That dumb socificated Imperial voice has to go though :facepalm:

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