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Will make custom CM partners!


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Well as far as looks go, fantastic work! Im still wondering how you did the face "implant" though without the use of wrye bash!


Like I said, I barely made any tweaks to begin with. I assumed the way you kept saying it is that tweaks in the CS don't look the same ingame.


Magic is confusing. Seems I have to pick leveled magic? There's Illusion and such, but I want my mage to cast only silence.




Alright, think I got the hang of magic now. She seems to perform the way I want her to(cept for blowing her own skeletons up :psyduck: ).

Edited by Ghoulz
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Well they certainly look like real winners haha :) I usually dont mess around with magic, as most of mine are melee based. So I personally probably wont be able to help you there. Just mess around with the CS a bit and im sure you will figure it out :)
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A difficult one this time, eyes are slightly off still. I felt like making one of my first character I been playing. Fun to watch:P




I'd like to figure out how to make ones for certain creatures. Would it be possible to make ones from Francesco's mod without Bash? They're all master files. Xenius has both an esp and esm and I managed to make this. Not a clue with that as you can't make those esms the active file. Think it would work without crashing if I made a new esp...?

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Try using TES4Gecko. If I remember correctly, it has a function that can convert .esm's to .esp's (and vise versa). It comes in handy sometimes! Honestly, tho, you will have to try it out for yourself and see what works. I want to hear what you figure out tho.


And btw, in all honesty, your companion looks way better than the one you tried to model it after.

Edited by kingtitan
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Try using TES4Gecko. If I remember correctly, it has a function that can convert .esm's to .esp's (and vise versa). It comes in handy sometimes! Honestly, tho, you will have to try it out for yourself and see what works. I want to hear what you figure out tho.


And btw, in all honesty, your companion looks way better than the one you tried to model it after.


Hmmm, I don't see the perks for changing esps and esms. I can't think of any use with that.


To be blunt, my hero looks a lot worst up close. The companion was the fix for the imperfections(well she does look pretty ugly before you raise her disposition to 50-55), but I can't really do anything about that now.... can I..? I dunno, I did change my major skills during the game.

Edited by Ghoulz
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Well, I mean you can always go into the construction set and modify her default disposition. Of course, that will change as you go, but at least it will be easier to make her happy!


And the reason I suggested making your .esm to an .esp is so that you would have something (your .esp) to modify if you wanted to make a beast companion. However, as I don't really look much into the CM beasts and their scripts, its another one of those things where you will have to just mess around with it and see what works, and what doesn't. I may be able to help out however if you need it.

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I tried to alter the seducer mod esp to make a companion version of it but for some reason the esp won't save the changes. Exit and it tries to tell me to save changes before exiting, I click yes and im still stuck in there. Sure, it'll exit when I say no....


Where's disposition located? I can't find that.

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