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Placeable NPC or create new NPC mods


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I'm using Puff's Drunken Dragon player shop mod (found here) and I've decided to make the shop for my current character a sort of tavern/bar. I've got the thing decorated and stocked with all of the ales, meads, wines, food, etc. There's just one problem... The place is empty except for my shopkeeper. I'm wondering if there's any mods out there already or if one would be easy enough to create (someone else, I have no experience with making mods, only playing with them) that would allow me to create new generic NPCs and allow them to be placed inside the shop so that they stay there and don't wander around all over Skyrim?


Another option may be to download a couple follower mods that others have created if I could somehow assign the shop as the follower's "home" so they stay there and drink mead all day and never leave.


Can someone point me in the right direction? I'd really appreciate any suggestions or help I can get! Thanks.

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