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Firstly, does anyone know how long a NPC takes to respawn (In game hours). And is it complety controlled by ticking "Respawn" in the Actor details.


Secondly, this script does not seem to work: (I have edited and made it smaller so I don't spend all my time remembering what it was)


;[[Script name, variables, begin... etc]]

short "NPC"Death
short "NPC"DeathDay

if NPC.GetDead == 1
 set "NPC"DeathDay to gamedayspassed

if gamedayspassed >= "NPC"DeathDay + 1

;[[Rest of script, End, etc]]

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3 days, I think. Don't know if it's affected by revisiting the cell.


As for the script, I don't think I'd use quotation marks in variable names. May not affect anything, but it would in other languages...


EDIT: On second thought, could you please clarify what 'not working' means?

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3 days, I think. Don't know if it's affected by revisiting the cell.


As for the script, I don't think I'd use quotation marks in variable names. May not affect anything, but it would in other languages...


EDIT: On second thought, could you please clarify what 'not working' means?


Ah, I knew putting the quotation marks would confuse people, that does not take part in my actual script... Although there are several, one is

Short RindirDeath


Not working? Well, I have done lots of variations in the script, but ether it does it straight away, or it doesn’t do it at all.

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Looking it over again, you'll probably want to use an OnDeath block, since using if NPC.GetDead == 1 will ALWAYS be true if the NPC has been killed. Note that you can have more than one block per script, so if the NPC already has its own script, you can add it to that.


If you have a number of these, it may be worth putting the variables in a quest script. Vagrant could probably tell you if that's worth doing.

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First, respawning is controlled by that little box, and it is influenced by where the player is and what is loaded at that time. By default the respawn time is 3 days, but if'you're standing in a cell waiting for it to respawn, it won't. You can spend months standing in a bandit camp admiring the scenery, but until you rest or move far enough away from that cell, the cells loaded won't be refreshed.


As for the script, what are you trying to make it do, and what is the purpose of this action? Is it being done for one NPC as part of a one time thing, or are you attaching this to several different NPCs?

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