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How To Manually Create Merged Patch In FO4Edit?


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So I have a lot of weapon mods installed, and want to create a merged patch for their leveled lists. Normally I'd be able to do this in 2 minutes with FO4Edit, but since the program is still a WIP the create merge patch function isn't working yet. I've heard that it's possible to create your own merged patch manually in FO4Edit, (something about copying leveled lists into a blank esp file?) but every guide I've found online only shows how to use the create merged patch button that isn't working yet, so I turn to you. Does anyone here know how to do this, or know of any guide/video that explains how to do this? Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

What exactly are you tryna change or make a manual patch for? Leveled Lists? Damage? Standalone guns?


NVM. Well just open them all up in FO4Edit and merge their lists in a new file. Obviously easier said than done but..


To be a lil more specific, when you open up files that have conflicting data, the fields will have a red highlight, these are the fields you wanna focus on, I would show you a personal manual merge I did for a mod of mine and the most popular standalone guns, but I believe it is against the nexus rules to even post a download as an example like in this case without the original authors' consent :l


Well anyways the data should be glowing red, start off by copying the data from the Fallout4.esm that the mods you are trying to merge have already edited to add in their s#*!, so you have a fresh slate and don't base it off of any mods except the game itself, and copy it as an override into a new file and name it something you will obviously remember as the patch, like uuuuuh "WeaponMergePatch.esp" or something personalized.


Another example is like if all of the mods edit RaiderWeaponsList or something, dunno if that is even a thing cause there is so many fields in the Leveled Lists list, but sound about right so I will roll with it in this. If all of the mods edit the raider weapons, cause most do, then copy THAT as the override into your new file from the Fallout4.esm, and then go down the rest of the Leveled Lists list and copy any others that are conflicting, the same way you did the one above, all from Fallout4.esm only unless you specifically know what you are doing.


When you have all the original fields copied from Fallout4.esm that any other mods have edited and are conflicting (no need for green or yellow fields since they don't conflict.) then your new mod that you made should show in the data beside the other mods when you view a field. Like let's say:


Nipplecake10mm edits the raider weapons, but so does uuuh... RaiderWeaponsEvolved, and now your mod as well, you simply wanna drag and drop the data from BOTH of the mods you wanna merge, into your mod you just made, so if each of them adds 1 gun to the raiders weapons list, then you drag both of the entries for their custom guns into your merge mod you are making, so the data from both of the mods is in your mod, and therefore cannot fight over which list is loaded when a raider is loaded. Just be VERY sure you load your merge patch AFTER both of the mods.


And most likely your merge patch will require both of the mods that were conflicting, to be masters for it. When you copy the data over from the conflicting mods into your patch mod, you should get a prompt asking to add them as masters, say yes (in this case) since they aren't vanilla guns and you WANT to make a patch the merge them together.

Edited by vTemporalZEROv
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  • 9 months later...

Bumping this thread since I'm having an issue while trying to create a merged patch. So let's say I have three weapons mods I want to combine the level list of. First mod has a conflict with "LLl_Raider weapons", "Weapon any boss", "vendor_weapon_gunSpecialty", etc. I copy those to create a merged patch esp. However, when the merged file is created, it only includes those categories. How do I add additional categories from other conflicts like "Weapon melee all", "Gunner semi auto", etc?.

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You know if you guys used the search option here on the forums or on google, you would get a slew of info and links that you need. I know that I have a Merge Patch tutorial linked in my thread, even though it wasn't needed for my problem. This right here is why the forums get flooded and real questions never get answered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you make a merge patch and it's empty or doesn't include what you think should be there then it wasn't needed at all. Only you think there is a conflict that needs to be resolved. The Merge patch logic knows when to do nothing. It will only patch the following records: 'LVLI', 'LVLC', 'LVLN', 'LVSP', 'CONT', 'FACT', 'RACE', 'FLST', 'CREA', 'NPC_' and nothing else because it's not a Bash Patch for Oblivion. It was made for FO3/FNV when there was no Wrye Flash but Valda's version works fine and that's what is used now for FO3/FNV. For Fallout 4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Skyrim SE, the option is there and people are using it but you need to know how and when to manually edit them.


If you need to patch leveled lists for Fallout 4 then know when to add Delev and Relev and manually apply them to the mod in Wrye Bash/Flash.

Edited by Sharlikran
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  • 4 months later...

Is there some reason that I can't create merged patches of all kinds of mods with fo4edit like with fnvedit?


Your statement makes no sense since you make the Merge patch exactly the same for all games. It's not a magic fix for mods and conflicts. I also mentioned that it was made by Elminster because of the lack of a Wrye Flash for FO3 and FNV at the time. However, Valda made Wrye Flash for both FO3 and FNV so now versions exist.


There is no unique code for one game or the other. If the record type doesn't exist then obviously that one would be skipped. I listed the records that are looked at. Those are the only record types that are examined for FNV or FO4 or any other game.


This is why the Merge Patch isn't supported. Because it's not for "automatically patching" anything to make your game work. It can help get you started to resolve some conflicts but only between the records listed. No version of xEdit has ever looked at all the records again it's not Wrye Bash. What users should do if you want to manually resolve conflicts is to review section four of the Fallout New Vegas training manual on conflicts and overrides. Because even with FNV you wouldn't just make the Merge Patch and leave it without reviewing the changes, that would just be silly.

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