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RP mod request


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so hey, first time forumite here in the nexus and I've had an idea for a mod crawling in my head ever since I first laid eyes on oblivion (don't really know what kept me from voicing it back then, so NV it is)


so, I have no real experience with the GECK, so I don't even know if it's doable, but my idea consists basically of making the PC execute all those nifty, cool, immersive animations the NPCs do all the time, every time he would trigger an animation if he/she were an NPC. In case I'm not making a whole lot of sense, let me exemplify what I mean:


1- Say I'm thirsty and want to drink some water. In regular NV I'd just click on an icon on my pipboy and suddenly I'm as good as new. With this mod, my PC would have to engage in the "drinking" animation before quenching his thirst. Same with food, cigarettes, books and other consumables.


2- Say I'm tired and want to sleep. My character would first have to actually lie in a bed before he can get some sleep (I know, craziness!!!). Same thing with making chems, looting (possibly? not sure if there's an animation for it), repairing (again, not sure about the animation) and other interactions with the game world.


So, is it doable?? I know it's a minor thing, but you wouldn't believe how it has detracted from my enjoyment of games using this engine (gamebryo?) over the years. Thanks in advance!

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Thanks, I remember finding something similar for oblivion once... it's kinda scary actually, because the fact that modders experiment only with sleeping to the exclusion of all else may imply that 'all else' simply can't be implemented in the game as it is. Scary scary thought :(


But yeah, even though I envisioned it somewhat differently, that mod's on the right track!

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You can try this mod:



I dont use it, but I cant remember the name of the one I do use as I edited the .esp and renamed it D:


Also this one:




Man, now I feel stupid for not finding these before posting in here, I thought I was the only one who cared for this sorta thing. I'll start using those right away, thank you for the links!

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