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FNIS + NMM. It works but I don't understand how. ELI5 please?


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So I added FNIS via NMM, but then couldn't find it in my Skyrim folder. It was just under NMM/Mods. Then copied it manually to the Skyrim folder (because otherwise it complains). Then I run the user generate exe and I notice that my FNIS mod is not mentioned in the log output. So I pasted that in manually too, and run the user gen exe again, and it works. Now I've got unmanaged files in my game folder, which I'm not entirely OK with.


I guess I don't understand how FNIS, when installed with NMM, is able to see your mods. Seems like with NMM the mods aren't actually in the skyrim folder, which is where FNIS wants to be. Clearly I am missing something.


Enlightenment would be appreciated.


EDIT: I get it now. NMM puts the esp files into the game folder, FNIS picks these up. Discovered that quite a few mods need to be manually placed there (ENB etc).

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