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The most stupid TS question ever

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I'm fairly new to the toolset but thankfully I am a quick learner and have so far been successful in creating a recruitable companion and a dialogue for him.


However, question is that how am I possible to add him normal, core game inventory resources, and for that matter how to use core game resources in general? In my inventory menus there are only the custom items I've made, and placeable menu is empty.



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Heyas Lawlder :)


Ok, first off, this may not be the absolute "best" method to use, but it's the only one that I know personally.


First open up the .utc file for the character that you've got saved in the ToolSet (TS). Then right click on his/her name in the list, and choose Export without dependancies

Now go and open up the exported version of the file. Once you've got the exported version of the file open in the TS, scroll down thru the tree entries, til you get to a section that reads Item List and click the + next to it, if there is one.

If there is a + next to it, and there is an option for Equip_ItemList THATS where you will need to start adding in new entries to the file, to add their gear.

If there is NOT These entries for Item List, and Equip_ItemList, then I've got a different set of advice for you. And will get to that here in a minute.


Ok, if there are no fields available in the Equip_ItemList, you are going to have to manually add them to the file. To do this, you will go up the menu options and choose Edit then Insert After choosing insert, you will be given a list of types to insert.

And make SURE that you've got Equip_ItemList highlighted when you do this, or it will add it as a subcategory in the WRONG field.


Open up an existing character's .utc file (found under the creatures icon and then searching) and export the .utc file. Then open the exported .utc file to show you what kind of fields you need to add to there, using the insert function. And you'll need to repeat this for each and every item that you're wanting to put on them. You'll have to create 0, then the TemplateResRef, then the Stealable and finally the Droppable.

For stealable and droppable, its 0 or 1. 0 is no, 1 is yes.


NOTES- 1) to the best of my knowledge, you can't add spare inventory items to them. Such as healing pots, and stuff like that. Only what they are going to wear and use as weapons.


2) I've never had an issue of which order I added the items as. Tho I have always added the shield as 0, or if they don't have a shield, their primary weapon as 0. Then if they have an offhand, that as 1.

2a) You don't have to have the .uti extension in the filename when adding to these fields. Only something like gen_im_arm_glv_med_chn.


3) When testing the character to make sure that their inventory is correct, create a seperate savegame, and name it something like "Test" or whatever. I have had serious issues with their inventory NOT changing when I've made changes to them... once the toon has been spawned in the game. If you change their inventory, Don't use your primary save for testing purposes. And do not resave to your test save. ;)


4) Remember to repack your exported .utc file(s) if you plan to distribute the characters. ;) Don't want the wrong .utc files in your distribution package ;)


5) Sometimes when I edit a toon's gear list, they end up being nekkid. I'm not exactly for sure what I'm doing wrong, so always make a backup copy before you start doing your edits! ;)


Good luck, and hope that this helps :) :thumbsup:

Edited by DarkeWolf
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