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mod with some new dialogue options


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I would love a talented voice file editor modder to take a look at the romance stuff please....


there you are speaking with your significant other after a massive fire fight or something.

He/she pours their heart out, telling you if anything happened to you they don't know what they'll do (or something along those lines or even more amorous - whatever ).


Your brilliant response to this..........?


"That was all" :ermm:


Sheesh Bethesda..... you already had some perfectly good lines in all the other dialogue (and there's probably a ton of stuff in the voice files that never sees the light of day).


I think there is part of a sentence earlier in the romance which starts "I feel the same way..." (its certainly there for one NPC)

A minor edit to the line, Stick a full stop after way and add it as an option. Its not anything slushy and annoying - but its not goddamn cold fish either.

Would be sooooo much more immersive.

The NPC's lines are fine (it's not Witcher 3 but its fine )...Player romance responses to the queried options are generally dire other than when you go up in affinity when they aren't quite as bad.

I'm sure there are many other lines which could be edited to produce more tailored responses to what your friends and lovers are saying.

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