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Editing Mods in GECK


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I am all new to this modding stuff on Fallout 3 and after I wasn't satisfied with a weapon's stats which came with a mod, I wanted to edit it.

I opened the mod in GECK, I found the weapon and edited the stats, by increasing the damage. Then I wanted to save the edited mod file but it would only save as .esp format and the mod was .esm so I saved it with a different name anyway and now, naturally the rifle with edited stats is in another mod and the mod I wanted to edit still has the old version of the gun.



So my question, how to edit .esm files and then save them :D

Thanks in advance people

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It's not necessarily a bad thing. The ESP you just made is now an override for the weapon definition in the ESM. As long as you load both, and your ESP is loaded after any other ESPs that change the same gun, it should work as you seem to intend.


Otherwise, I can only recommend FOMM. It's a more low-level editor, but it's also more powerful and can deal with ESMs just fine. And for changing weapon damage it's not all that uncomfortable either.


Actually, learning to use FOMM is a good idea anyway, if you plan to ever release mods. With the GECK it's very easy to accidentally include unrelated changes that have nothing to do with the mod you're making. It's useful to have at least a brief look in FOMM before publishing, just to make sure you're distributing exactly what you think you are.

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I have FOMM but I have no idea how to edit stuff there.


For some reason the edited sniper rifle in the esp file I made is lost and I have to copy, ( I dont want to edit the regular sniper rifle ) or make a new sniper rifle. But it also asks for the ID, so how do I give ID numbers to objects, according to what?


So I can easily say "000444" for example?

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You could, but it would overwrite any item which already has the code 00000444 in the Fallout3.esm. If you want to create a new weapon in FOMM (not the easiest way, but I do that myself lots), give it some id starting with 01. E.g., 01000444. The 01 tells the game to remember it as a non-overwriting weapon specific to your mod. If another mod has an item with the same 01000444 id, they will not conflict. They would conflict if both had a 00 id.


That's the kind of ids the GECK too gives for new weapons, though, so it's probably more comfortable to do the editing in the GECK for new weapons.


But if you want to edit an existing mod's .esm and change a weapon, you don't really want to give it a new id. (Unless you're making a new weapon based on that.) You'll want to just edit the existing weapon's DATA, DNAM and CRDT sub-records and leave all IDs as they are.

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  • 1 year later...
The same case happened to me were I made a new door for a motel room witch added a fully new vault that I spent hours on and I saved it to work on it later I tried opening it back up again it worked but when I saved it I had to name it something else. when I loaded the game it simply didn't work. DOES this mean that I have to make the first save into a .esm file or is it even possible to do so? because I really want to get this mod to work. I didn't get to add a door to the cell I created. is there a fix I can do. please help :( :wallbash:
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  • 4 months later...

hey guys i hate to be that guy... but all of the above info is good info. the question on how to edit an ESM in GECK still goes unanswered. im trying to splice together a new race mod using meshes and textures, now this is why i need to know this.


i found a simple race mod that i want to change the file paths for to load certain meshes and textures without disrupting the default meshes and textures essentially making my race have a different body than every other npc. i opened a copy of the esm with notepad to get an idea of what is going on. and all i can seem to do in GECK is make an esp using the main scripting from the race esm. i dont want an esp i want to re wright the esm to accept the file paths that i chose not make an esp that needs the old esm


i dont know how to just make an esm, if i did im assuming editing it wouldnt be a problem.


if anyone can help i would greatly appreciate it.


Vayn Solidor

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, I am learning the Geck myself. I have the "Serenity" mod house loaded that I use. I want to add storage locker's, and need to edit a Non usable dresser to make it usable from un-usable.

Q.1 I have the dresser selected but now how do i make it usable? :ermm:

Q.2 How do you add usable lockers?



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Steps 3. & 4. here explain the process well enough I think. If you wish to replace the dresser with an otherwise identical container version then use 'Search & Replace' (ctrl + F) rather than dragging in your new container - quicker and easier. Make sure you have first selected the dresser you wish to replace and pay attention to the dialog checkbox options before hitting 'OK'.

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Steps 3. & 4. here explain the process well enough I think. If you wish to replace the dresser with an otherwise identical container version then use 'Search & Replace' (ctrl + F) rather than dragging in your new container - quicker and easier. Make sure you have first selected the dresser you wish to replace and pay attention to the dialog checkbox options before hitting 'OK'.

Hey thanks...I just figured it. So cool. Thank you though. Now I can do some real modding. ;D

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