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Some modding help


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I am not sure if these topics have been covered, but I am not sure where to check.


Well, number one, I'd like to know how to write books using different fonts, mainly Dwemeris, Daedric, and Dragonclaw, all of which I have as computer fonts. I am making a mod currently, not a big one (Only 1 exterior and maybe at most 5 interiors) and not a very wantable one (Many mods needed). I am making a library, and need more books, as I feel the current books in game do not have a rare enough or enlightened enough air about them, so I am using poetry and foreign languages to give a nice effect. I need to know what to use to write in Dwemeris, Daedric, and Dragonclaw (The font of dragons in TESV).


Second off, I need to know how to make throwing weapons, and how to make a sword held with reverse grip. My homemade welkynd sword is very good for that, but I need a more regular reverse grip. I wish to know how to make any weapon a throwing weapon, and don't tell me to download DR or UV, because BOTH conflict with my massive modlist. Essentially, I need to know the scripting to make any weapon a throwing weapon.


Third, I'd like to know how to make a script that makes you able to learn a spell via a book. I know Spell Tomes could give me access, but a replica of the script is better, being free and all.


Lastly, I'd REALLY like an armguard form of the knight of order armor. I tried making one to no avail. Simply put, I want pauldrons and gauntlets for both arms, nothing else of it. I'd like that to take up a hand slot, to not interfere with the rest of the clothes of my characters. I have the original KOO full nif, but I simply can't seem to get this armguard setup. Shoot, even a right arm manica would be fine.


Basically, I know most of what I am doing, but in these areas, I need some help. Scratch that, lots of help. If someone could fix my welkynd sword to be a true reverse hand grip, or normal reverse really, I will attach the nif.




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1. I think you can use MenuQue to do that, but I'm not sure.


3. I'm not sure how Spell Tomes handles this, since I've never used that mod, but you should be able to just put a script on a book with an OnActivate block which adds the spell to the player.


No idea about the others, sorry.

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I am not sure if these topics have been covered, but I am not sure where to check.


Well, number one, I'd like to know how to write books using different fonts, mainly Dwemeris, Daedric, and Dragonclaw, all of which I have as computer fonts. I am making a mod currently, not a big one (Only 1 exterior and maybe at most 5 interiors) and not a very wantable one (Many mods needed). I am making a library, and need more books, as I feel the current books in game do not have a rare enough or enlightened enough air about them, so I am using poetry and foreign languages to give a nice effect. I need to know what to use to write in Dwemeris, Daedric, and Dragonclaw (The font of dragons in TESV).

As fas as I can determine, the five usable fonts are hard-coded. The only way to bypass this would be to create a book of 'pictures' where each 'picture' was a page of text featuring your desired font. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that.



Third, I'd like to know how to make a script that makes you able to learn a spell via a book. I know Spell Tomes could give me access, but a replica of the script is better, being free and all.

That's pretty simple, actually. Here's a sample script that you can work with:


scn MySpellTomeScript

short button
short used

begin OnEquip player ; if the player is reading the book from their inventory
if used == 0
	MessageBox "Do you want to add 'Spell Name' to your spell list?", "Yes", "No"

begin OnActivate player ; if the player is reading the book from outside their inventory
if used == 0
	MessageBox "Do you want to add 'Spell Name' to your spell list?", "Yes", "No"

begin menumode
set button to getbuttonpressed
if button > -1
	if button == 0
		; add the spell to the player's spellbook
		player.addspell SpellEditorID
		set used to 1

just change the script name to whatever you want, change 'Spell Name' to the spell's in game name and change SpellEditorID to the editor ID of the spell.


Lastly, I'd REALLY like an armguard form of the knight of order armor. I tried making one to no avail.

How did you try to make it?

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Well, I deleted nodes of the original NIF. Didn't work. Since I don't really want to do anything in blender, I need an nif. Would you happen to know that throwing weapons script though? Or how to make reverse grip weapons? I am not so willing to get too in depth, due to recent save data corruption that I haven't found the cause of.


Thanks for the spell script though. I needed that, but I may not mod for a while until I can learn not to screw everything up. I can make cells and items and NPCs fine, but little else. No meshing skill, scripting skill, or anything. The only thing I naturally have is good voice acting ability for some of the races, primarily Male Argonians.


I digress though. Needless to say, despite my quick learning I need help.

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Well, I deleted nodes of the original NIF.

Did you use the Remove command or Remove Branch?



Would you happen to know that throwing weapons script though? Or how to make reverse grip weapons?

I'm not sure how to script throwing weapons, since the game engine wasn't designed for it. I also don't know how to make reverse-grip weapons. But I don't really see the point to those either, since they would require new animations to work correctly.



Thanks for the spell script though.

You're welcome. :thumbsup:



Needless to say, despite my quick learning I need help.

So do we all sometimes, especially when we're just starting. The modding courses available at TES Alliance are a really good place to learn. There are great tutorials to go through and experts on hand that can answer your questions if/when you get stuck. It's a place dedicated to helping and encouraging new modders. I've learned a lot there.

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A reverse grip weapon is simply a regular blade pointed backward. I've made somewhat like it. And throwing star mod II seems to throw well, but I can't figure out how to get everything to work with the script.
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