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[WIP] The Dreamer's Cave


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The Dreamer's Cave



Pretty much the quest your character will embark on is that they will find a strange book. In this book, it describes alleged accounts of which Vaermina use to abduct random mortals, and leave them to their suffering to wander about Quagmire for her own amusement. Following the leads of various rumors of possible locations of a gateway to Quagmire. Once entering the portal, the Dragonborn will enter The Dreamer's Cave, a sort of realm between realms. At first the place seems rather grounded in reality however, the further you progress the more surreal the dungeon becomes. At the end, you will come across someone who has been trapped in Quagmire and can potentially become a follower.(Though I am not sure what this follower would be like, though probably kinda crazy due to being stuck there for awhile)


This is my first mod that I have made, so any input, ideas, lore corrections, help and feedback would be very appreciated.

Depending on how well this goes, I might expand this quest and make it an introduction quest to a new world space (Quagmire, or at least a small part of it) with side quests and a main quest where the Dragonborn liberates these trapped people.


SO FAR OF WHAT I HAVE: (Which is prettymuch nothing at this point)



The exterior



This is actually inside the dungeon

Fun fact, if you jump on that bed it will teleport you to the more visually interesting parts of the dungeon


I am planning on making this more like a walking simulator with some platforming. But that doesn't mean there will be enemy encounters, however combat will not be a huge focus. Though that may change when developing the mod further. More enemies, no enemies? Who knows?

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Some progress screenshots


After jumping onto this bed, your character will be teleported into the true entrance to The Dreamer's Cave



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I'm considering adding a boss at the end, as well as a random shop keeper that sells you crappy healing potions. However this salesman would be more of an easter egg than an actual part of the dungeon. Building upon the idea of him being an easter egg, he might say stuff like "It's dangerous to go alone, take some of these." or "Whaddaya buyin?"

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