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Weird color problem


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Well, the problem is a change of color that is visible on the place where the neck connects to the body. It's not an entirely different color, just a different shade of the same one but it's quite noticeable.


Something like this on these pics







I have a gazillion mods installed, so I've tried to pinpoint the problem to just the most obvious ones: HGEC body replacer, kafei's beauty pack, younger hotter NPC's, Natural Faces 0.95


After deactivating those, the problem is still there.


Is it a known problem? Maybe it isn't attached to mods, but game video settings or something?

Edited by tastatura
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This is a known problem with body mesh replacers. There are neck seam concealers, which are basically just necklaces that cover up the seam. You can minimize the effect by resetting your character's face before customizing it. You can also try to find face and body textures that have been made to match, such as the High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC that come with its own facial textures as an option. A smooth head mesh can also help to reduce the seam.
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