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Warhammer Mod


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In my eyes, the Warhammer Fantasy World has always been far more interesting that the 40K world, and unfortunately, for many of my favourite game types - RTS, Total War-esque, etc, the games have not been particularly well suited to a fully immersive Warhammer Mod.


Until I came upon the Dragon Age Game; and through that game, this forum, and through this forum, the Elder Scrolls series, and it seems to be a perfect platform through which the world can be properly put across with the right amount of Lore and the right amount of challenge, changing from hunting Wyverns in the Worlds Edge Mountains as a Dwarf Slayer, to defeating the mutated beastmen of Chaos as the Waywatchers of Asrai, hidden in the boughs of Athel Loren.


Now; I'm guessing the world of Warhammer is far too vast, and full of too many extremes to adequately represent in game terms - so I was thinking perhaps a region of conflict; either one that's well documented (re the Storm of Chaos, The Sundering, the War of Vengeance etc), or one over which there's little information (such as going over to Cathay and the fall of the Great Bastion against the Chaos Hordes). The benefit would be in the latter that there'd be a faction over which there would be potentially free reign for an art style in at least one faction, and that certain expectations wouldn't be broken - either in terms of different artistic interpretation or game balance/limitations.


There's such a large amount of work that goes into a Total Conversion, that I felt it prudent to check for interest now.


And if that doesn't sway you - one of the foes you may face -



Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon of Khorne, one of the Chaos God Pantheon.

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