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The Black market


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I have an idea!!!!

I want to make an underground town, for baddies, assassins & thieves.

I want shops and npc's. Npc's should be a mix of thieves and assasins, shops

should sell things that assassins and thieves use (i could use maybe other user mods

that have assassin item's or thieves items like "thieves arsonel" with permission of course).

the town itself should be underground like a cave with maybe 3 or 4 big rooms joined up with an inn,

house for player, 2 or 3 pubs, alcoholics, skooma addicts, scooma dealers, bootleg alcohol, thieves guild,

dark botherhood sancturary, loan sharks, homeless people, just make it seem real seedy like a town ruled by crime.


The only problem i have is i have very limited knowledge of the c set and would not be able to create this myself can someone do it for me please..

ill help if i can

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If you've been reading the forums since April then you should know by now that noone is going to make a mod like this just because you request it. Others will help you out but the majority of the work needs to be done by you. If you truly desire such a mod, then learning the CS, looking at examples, experimenting, and asking questions is a small price to pay.



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