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Project Grass-Snake


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Ok, after reading Peregrine's topic about how to make a project proposal I have gone away for some thought for a project that has been on my mind for some time. Project Grass-Snake (as I have named it) is an attempt to create an agency faction which the player can join.


The very basic background to this mod is that once a long time ago it was recognised by the Eldar Council that it needed something that managed intelligence throughout Cyrodiil. Thus the Cyodiil Intelligence Authority was formed to help carry secret information around Cyrodiil. However it wasn't smooth. Many assaults were made on their headquarters near the Imperial City and so, when the Council prayed to Akatosh the Dragon God of time he granted them a wish, that the headquarter's of the Cyrodiil Intelligence Authority would be frozen in a world of its own. While in this world the sun would still go round but people would not age and waiting would be impossible as one hour would be forever. This was to prevent enemies from attacking the place as to access it required a magical key and how could you attack something that would only ever exist for one period of 24 hours in history?


Anyway I have started some skeleton work on this project by working on the basics of the headquarter's area. I have structured the faction and have done some script objects that I like to call "Aura Scanners" Oblivion's version of retinal scanners.

For this mod I will need some work on a questline which I have already got a draft of in y head for the final quest but everything else is what anyone who wants a part in this mod feels is right. I will also needs some meshes and textures for a giant seal for the CIA which will be placed in the entrance to the headquarter's area (I ahve already got a design in mind which involves Daedric lettering) and a retexture of blades armor as the armor for the guards in the CIA.


If anyone is interested or has any ideads please PM me or if still not interested then go to this address (http://tessource.net/files/file.php?id=11877) and download the file there which contains the skeleton work I have done so far but if you do you MUST get the password to the zip file by PMing me.

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