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[Discovery] Vanilla Research Rate Results


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Be Warned, this topic includes math



Alright so after doing some looking around I discovered that this formula in the script determines the research point rate:


(iNumScientists * 5) * (24 * iNumDays)


iNumScientists = Number of scientists

iNumDays = Number of days for research



Now doing calculations using 1 scientist for 1 day of research points turns out to be 120 points:


(1 Scientist * 5) * (24 * 1 Day) = 120 Points Per 1 Day


But after doing the math on the current point values research projects that specify points to complete, 120 points was not enough to justify the amount of days it takes to complete research projects.


For example, assuming there are no additional scientists:


Alien Biotech at Legend = 5000 Points over 20 Days

(iNumScientists * 5) * (24 * 20) = 5000

(iNumScientists * 5) * 480 = 5000

iNumScientists * 2400 = 5000

iNumScientists = 5000 / 2400 = 2.083333 -> which the code rounds to 2


It turns out, according to the math, Tygan on his own without other scientists technically counts as 2 scientists, which means the actual vanilla starting game research point rate is approximately 240 points per day.


And each time you add a scientist to the research team:

Add 1 Scientist + Tygan = 3 Scientists

(3 Scientists * 5) * (24 * 1 Day) =

15 * 24 = 360 Points Per Day


In conclusion, each additional scientist contributing to a project adds 120 additional points towards a project per day



And I have proven this theory. I've changed research project points to complete based on this conclusion and every time, the 240 base point value holds true

Edited by AdmiralScorpii
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