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A suit for the reaper of the wastes (does it exist?)


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So, I've been searching through the mods that are available, and while I have been finding some very nice mods, I haven't seen anything that looks grim reapery. You know, a suit of sorts that puts a dark hood over the head of the main character (or whoever wears it) is very onimus looking, black, but tattered, maybe some sort of armor with it, something like that.


Unfortunately, I have scoured nexus mods, and haven't found anything close. Closest I found even slightly was the Helsing trenchcoat you can wear, but that's not really what I am wanting. Has such a mod been made? If it does, where can I find it?


If it doesn't, would anyone even be willing to make something like that? Yeah, I realize walking around like the grim reaper in Fallout seems kind of silly, but considering the amount of people your character kills, is it really that far fetched?

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