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how do i create a mod?


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Heyas Wiccan :)

Like Edriano said, you're going to need the dragon age toolset. You can get it by doing a google search either for Bioware dragon age toolset or fileplanet dragon age toolset.

After that, you're going to have to get it installed. Thats the big one, as sometimes it really does NOT want to work on some people's computers. :mad:

http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=188325 if you have problems with that.


Afterwards, its basically time to start reading tutorials, and hopefully being able to follow along with them. (I'm not making any personal comments towards anybody there. I'm just saying that the tutorials can be a REAL CHORE to follow sometimes, depending on what you're wanting to do!)













http://social.bioware.com/5339/blog/576/ some of those sites also have some very helpful tutes besides just the one in the link ;)


and the best advice that I can give, is to start small, then work your way up. Start out with the simple things to start understanding the way that it all works, and then work your way up into the harder stuff. If you dive right in to the deep end, you may feel overwhelmed, and want to give up. ;)


Good luck! And happy modding! :)

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