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Daedraconic armor


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So, we have the stylish and very powerful Dragonplate/Dragonscale Ebonsteel armor, courtesy of Dreogen

I wonder if it were possible to create some kind of Daedric Dragonsteel armor? Using the Vanilla Daedric armor as a base, and outfit it & exchange parts of the armor with the skeletal and/or body parts of dragons?


Just painting a visual here, because it doesn't represent the end product (cause I sure don't have the patience and know-how to make it), imagine taking the base of the Daedra helmet, and exchanging it's four (some say six) prominent horns on it, with dragon horns of symmetrical/asymmetrical sizes and shapes, so you look like a Dragon among dragons...


Or the boots have dragon clawed toes on the foot, making it look like they are for more than running and walking great distances, like the dragon born could leap up, snatch you up and gouge you out with the other foot.


I want to suggest if someone would like to attempt this? I imagine it could have a higher armor rating than Daedric armor itself, but I imagine it's extremely difficult to put together (from my biased opinion).

Edited by Huglarh
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