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How to lip - sync?


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Get the first version of the Oblivion CS.

Put in your dialog.

Generate your .lip files, bring them over to your NV installation.

Open your NV mod in its geck

Point all your dialog to your lip files one by one.


Something horrible to that effect. I would never do it.

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Get the first version of the Oblivion CS.

Put in your dialog.

Generate your .lip files, bring them over to your NV installation.

Open your NV mod in its geck

Point all your dialog to your lip files one by one.


Something horrible to that effect. I would never do it.




It is horrible. You are smart and right to never do it. :thumbsup:



@KazFoxsen -


That's right. You don't need the esm and you need the old version of the CS. There's a good link on the FO3 Nexus for a tut as well: Linky


:) llama

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Get an old version of the TES4 C.S. (You don't need oblivion to use it). Make sure your version has support for lip-sync; you might have to search a bit on google or something.


Open it up, and click yes to any warnings. At the top menu, go to "character" and then "quests". Rick click in the editor field on the left, and select new. Then type anything there. Click on the topics tab, and right click and select add topic. Then select GREETING. Right click in the info box and select new. Now type in your line of dialogue in the "response" text. Now click Okay at the bottom. Now double click on your text to reopen it. Now click Record and speak your line of dialogue into your microphone. Then click Generate Lip File, then click Save, then click Okay. Now your sound file and lip-sync file will be saved in the Data/Sound/Voice directory of Oblivion. They will be named Temp.wav and Temp.lip.


Now open up your dialogue in the New Vegas Geck. Double click your text to bring up the edit response window. Copy the Voice Filename, and rename your temp.wav and temp.lip to that new filename, and place the files in the directory shown in your Edit Response window. It will show your underneath the Voice Filename field, in the Path section.


And that's it.

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