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I was wondering if someone could make a custom Weatherleah for me?


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The Jermane brothers house has always spoke to me as a great home for some reason. I know its pretty much like any home in oblivion. But that specific one had features that many didnt. Such as a upstairs that could of been used. A wall seperateing the upstairs walkway room from something else cannot remember. And other fine little touchs. If this cannot be done could someone recommend something closely made to feature it or similar in apperance?


Thank you for you time

The Grining Joker

Edited by griningjoker
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Okay let me screen shot a spot ill need a little while. And i wanted to ask one thing for this if you didnt mind. Could you make the floor look better on the 3rd floor. and add some stuff up there like chairs and tables. You know anything would be fine for the 3rd floor so what ever you want i just hate how the top floor looks.

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