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playable mecs, help requested


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Awesome! I have also setup a file which gives MECs robot names, like "Ava 12" or "Robbie Prime". It is setup like a new country with a namelist. Are you interested in adding this to your mod?


When there is a viper in the squad, can the viper use grab and spit?


One other problem I saw is in the walk-off squad assignment screen, and the walk-up after mission promotion screen, the mecs and vipers don't walk, they just appear in their final position.


In my copy of your mod, I was having some trouble that the proving ground project is always available in my first game (even before I do the autopsy) and if I load a game without exiting, it is never available in the second game. I did change the listeners a little, but I think that same behavior may come with your mod. I think it has to do with the global variable didUpdate in the listeners; that is not reset when a new game is loaded, but the game state list is reloaded. So the template you added is gone but not added again.

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@ sgtcal10, in case you are interested, I have attached the mod-mod which gives names to MECs. As I mentioned it is setup like a country. I think if you follow these steps you can merge it right in.


1. Place the two files DLA_AR_MecCountry.uc and DLA_AR_MecNames.uc into your classes directory. Of course you are welcome to change the filenames and classnames inside.


2. Merge the lines from Localization/XComGame.int into your file.


3. If you have a file Config/XComGameBoard.ini, merge the lines from my file into yours; if not just copy mine.


4. To trigger, please see DLA_AR_MecTech.uc. This is a copy of your tech file, reformatted slightly. The key part which sets the country and name is:


local string strFirst,strLast;

local XGCharacterGenerator CharGen;



// Generate name from mec country

CharGen = `XCOMGAME.spawn( class 'XGCharacterGenerator' );

CharGen.GenerateName(0, 'Country_Mec', strFirst, strLast);

ItemState.SetCharacterName(strFirst, strLast, "");

`log("davea debug set-mec-name " @ strFirst @ " " @ strLast);



Hopefully you will recognize the first and last code line from your file. Once you have done all this then the MEC rookies will have names.


If there is anything else I can help with, for example alpha testing, let me know.


Edit: this is a little obscure, but I can make a vipers name list based on the movie Buckaroo Bonzai:




They would all have the first name Jane since they are female but all the last names would come from the movie.

Edited by davidlallen
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That is a real mod BTW, not photoshop. I did it locally. I was thinking of making another in-game shot which has a squad full of aliens, like an andromedan, lancer, mec, viper, captain. Look for sgtcal10's mod when it comes out. Probably sectopods would be a bad idea because even sitting, they are too tall. The mec looks pretty silly in the skyranger, his knees and feet stick through the floor. OTOH if you know the idle animation of hands slapping knees in the skyranger (we watch it for hours cumulatively) it is pretty neat to see the viper do that.

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That is a real mod BTW, not photoshop. I did it locally. I was thinking of making another in-game shot which has a squad full of aliens, like an andromedan, lancer, mec, viper, captain. Look for sgtcal10's mod when it comes out. Probably sectopods would be a bad idea because even sitting, they are too tall. The mec looks pretty silly in the skyranger, his knees and feet stick through the floor. OTOH if you know the idle animation of hands slapping knees in the skyranger (we watch it for hours cumulatively) it is pretty neat to see the viper do that.

Cant you just change the Unit.unitSize on the fly? search for all the units which class is xcom, find the ones which are not human(you can search for classes and eliminate those who arent or searching the character template) and change their unitSize. then when getting into combat (you can use playerTurnStart event) you can resize them to 1

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Cant you just change the Unit.unitSize on the fly?

You make it sound so easy. Does that really affect the graphics, for example in the pre-mission soldier selection screen? Could you try a standalone proof of concept which makes all the normal troops in that screen into midgets? The mec size is really noticeable only in two screens, this one and when the soldiers are sitting in the skyranger. The viper size is actually fine, so if we did this we would only want to apply it to mecs. Maybe Andromedons, I haven't tried them yet myself.

Edited by davidlallen
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So... this will make it possible to get Vipers as potential squadmates? Would it be possible to set up some sort of conditions for them becoming available? Such as research a project, or dominating one in combat and extracting it, or...? I love the idea of the mod, but I'd love it even more if I didn't feel like I was 'cheating' by having it available, if that makes sense. I love the grapple mechanic, but couldn't think of a logical way to implement it for a standard soldier.

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Cant you just change the Unit.unitSize on the fly?

You make it sound so easy. Does that really affect the graphics, for example in the pre-mission soldier selection screen? Could you try a standalone proof of concept which makes all the normal troops in that screen into midgets? The mec size is really noticeable only in two screens, this one and when the soldiers are sitting in the skyranger. The viper size is actually fine, so if we did this we would only want to apply it to mecs. Maybe Andromedons, I haven't tried them yet myself.


cant say i tried it myself but i noticed the doc on that thing. gonna test it now for you

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