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Weapon Mod Request - Final Fantasy X Auron's Swords


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Hey there everyone I was hoping someone out there would be kind enough to make Auron's swords from Final Fantasy X. I want to make a sort of fantasy like bushido character for my skyrim and his weapons fit the bill perfectly. I would perfer balance with the weapons but at the same time useable so that I don't have weapons that dramatically outclass them, like having the weapons have stats from Ebony and higher. If I had to list out the requirements of the weapons as a list to make it easier for anyone willing enough to make this mod for me (and others to enjoy) this would be how it goes...


- Two Handed Weapon

- Balanced Damage (I don't want to have a mod like this gathering dust due to being too low leveled damage)

- As heavy as your regular everyday skyrim two-hander

- Would perfer the weapons plain with no enchantments


(Example, Have Auron's Celestial Weapon the Masamune have a max damage at legendary of 120-160 or something along those lines.)


I would be very grateful to anyone helping me make my dream mod come true.


PS: If possible I would also love Auron's themed Keyblade "Guardian Soul" as a one handed weapon with high stats (like 75 dmg at legendary)

NOTE: I have one handed and two handed skills maxed out 5/5 which is why im basing my numbers that way.

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Is there a link to the sword mod here or just the picture?

That's all what is left - as KnightuSan89 never responded I assumed he had no interest anymore and I abandon the project and deleted all files.




Oh, Hi. Sorry for being so late to a response and that's a crying shame in my opinion. Would have loved to see this sword in this game. ever thought about picking up the project again? (Or telling a guy how it's done ╹‿╹)

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  • 5 months later...

Hey there everyone I was hoping someone out there would be kind enough to make Auron's swords from Final Fantasy X. I want to make a sort of fantasy like bushido character for my skyrim and his weapons fit the bill perfectly. I would perfer balance with the weapons but at the same time useable so that I don't have weapons that dramatically outclass them, like having the weapons have stats from Ebony and higher. If I had to list out the requirements of the weapons as a list to make it easier for anyone willing enough to make this mod for me (and others to enjoy) this would be how it goes...


- Two Handed Weapon

- Balanced Damage (I don't want to have a mod like this gathering dust due to being too low leveled damage)

- As heavy as your regular everyday skyrim two-hander

- Would perfer the weapons plain with no enchantments


(Example, Have Auron's Celestial Weapon the Masamune have a max damage at legendary of 120-160 or something along those lines.)


I would be very grateful to anyone helping me make my dream mod come true.


PS: If possible I would also love Auron's themed Keyblade "Guardian Soul" as a one handed weapon with high stats (like 75 dmg at legendary)

NOTE: I have one handed and two handed skills maxed out 5/5 which is why im basing my numbers th

Edited by Starcher95
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