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Help settlement quests on a loop


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digitaltrucker, thanks for the great info! I just have to say that you and I play this game the same way I think. I've got almost 300 hours in game and I'm maybe half done. Oh and I'm still on one character! How did you put it?... You like to "putz around"? If that doesn't describe my play style, nothing does!


Puddycat, Right? My game was just fine until the patch! But I do like the settler's task icons they finally added. And it is indeed at "Country Crossing" that I've been having to avoid that settler with the spam quest.

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Same here, as soon as I finished one quest (usually ghouls bothering Abernathy), I'd report to Preston, and he'd immediately give me another quest, which was usually raiders bothering Sanctuary. I probably had 15 or 20 in a row like that. A great source of XP but got tiring after a while. So I ignored one, and it eventually failed, but I didn't want that, so I went through extreme measures to get that one, since my latest save didn't allow me to fast travel anywhere without it failing, so I had to take Shank's Mare halfway across the map, running as much as possible, ignoring all attacks en route to get to Abernathy in time to receive the quest. After that, I stopped reporting to Preston after completing a quest, so he couldn't give me another one. That gave me a few in game days of peace until it auto-completed. I've since cleared the castle, as Preston was pestering me about that continuously as well, and it seems the defend quests have scaled back a bit. The patch seemed to do nothing one way or the other for these type of quests.


Since settlement management is not what I play this game for, I leave as many of them empty as possible. If any settlers show up, I send them someplace else that already has a population. Murkwater is unhappy, even though no one is there, go figure.

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