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Fallout - Through Dust and Bones


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Heck yeah, we should. But what sucks is that getting our characters together is mostly up to him. I hope he'll notice we posted and reacts; if not, we'll find a way to have our characters met.



BTW, sorry for takin' a bit long to react, but right now we're in the middle of moving to another house, and internet is not yet available in the new home; it'll be up an' running by the end of the week, I hope.

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Hi guys. Sorry for the long delay. Real life and skyrim got in the way :P. Also I was involved in an RP on another site while this RP seemed to have died. Now that particular RP's dead and I'm thinking we might as well start something new, maybe Skyrim related. All those who are interested, make your suggestions. Otherwise if no one's interested I'll just join one of the RPs going on already.


Love, MajikMosh

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