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ONAM Records


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Hi. First real post on the Nexus. Thanks for the Nexus team for this! :)


I kinda need help about a little feature of FNVEdit I have not been able to get much help about.




As you probably already know (I hope, otherwise you wont be able to help me :(, ONAM records are auto-generated by FNVEdit at each save. They are used when a CELL or worldspace record (let's say, a Pork'n' Beans) is edited in the esm: it's to make sure the base, vanilla item is properly edited.


As you can see on this screenshot, there's a little problem with my ONAMS. All those edits are supposed to be made to the DeadMoney.esm, but the records are overwriting entries in HonestHearts.esm, which leads to some funny results (it seems one of the Dead Money edit is overriding a cave record in Honest Hearts, which lead me to fall to my death because of having no floor in Fallen Rock Cave (you can actually see on the screenshot the cave being overriden by a dead money entry!)


So ... do you have any idea of the reasons for this problem ? About how I could fix it? The problem is that I can't really upload a new FOOK without fixing these troublesome bugs :/

Edited by xporc
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I had a plugin recently with multiple masters that had <unresolved> errors like that. I have a plugin with four masters. I can reproduce the error by toggling on the esm bit if MORE that the four masters required are loaded above it. So toggling off the esm bit, then loading the plugin with only it's required masters, then toggling the bit back on, may be the solution. It seems to work for me with FNVEdit 3.0.16
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Oh my effin' god! You single-handedly fixed a problem that was bothering me since months T_T


Have a cookie man (or madam?), you deserve it. Now I feel stupid for even asking in the first place.


EDIT : after some more testing, it seems I have to toggle off the esm flag, reload only the master mods, and toggle on the flag every time I want to make sure the ONAM are okays. Seems like I'll only do it for official releases ^^

Edited by xporc
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