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Problems with Fallout Mod Manager


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Hey guys!

So my problem is the FOMM declines to lauch. Everytime I try to launch it it crashes and gives me the "something bad seems to have happened" message.

I have bought FNV through Steam and I'm using Win7 64bit Home Premium with UAC disabled, as suggested in FOMM download page.

The first time I installed the game and FOMM it asked me my game location and I let it search it by itself (a mistake?), after which the error message appeared.

Since that I've reinstalled Fallout and Mod Manager multiple times, with antivirus and firewall of and with and without compatibility modes. I cleared the GeMM folder and all registry keys after uninstalling. I have also tried to run it as an administrator and done all that usual troubleshooting jazz.



Crashdump looks like this:


19. toukokuuta 2011 - 13:21:10

Fomm 0.13.21

OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1


System.MissingMethodException: Menetelmää ei löydy: Void System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcChannel..ctor(System.String).

kohteessa Fomm.Messaging.ServerSetup(RecieveMessageDelegate del)

kohteessa Fomm.MainForm..ctor(String fomod)

kohteessa Fomm.Program.Main(String[] args)



(menetelmää ei löydy = method not found

kohteessa = in location)



The weird thing is, earlier this year I was running FNV through FOMM without any problems. Some new patch is causing the problem, or maybe Dead Money?

I am getting desperate here and appreciate any help offered.

Thanks in advance.



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If your game is installed inside programs 86 this can happen. I have read where you can cut the entire steam folder from programs 86 and paste into C. The usual work around is to create a games file in C such as C/Games/Steam or any other drive D or what ever. The UAC on those areas is no where near as strict as it is with programs 86 or the windows Vista/ windows 7 programs files.


By the way there was new patch released a couple weeks ago. FOMM still works with the new patch but if you have not done it yet and are using mods that use NVSE you will need t update NVSE at from thier silverlock.org site.

Edited by deu58
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If your game is installed inside programs 86 this can happen. I have read where you can cut the entire steam folder from programs 86 and paste into C. The usual work around is to create a games file in C such as C/Games/Steam or any other drive D or what ever. The UAC on those areas is no where near as strict as it is with programs 86 or the windows Vista/ windows 7 programs files.


By the way there was new patch released a couple weeks ago. FOMM still works with the new patch but if you have not done it yet and are using mods that use NVSE you will need t update NVSE at from thier silverlock.org site.


In regards to the text I have bolded:


You DO NOT want to just cut/paste the steamapps folder willy nilly!


This can have Bad [capital B intentional] effects.


The most surefire [and safest] method to move your steam install location to somewhere "safer" than Program Files [/ Program Files (x86)] is to backup your installed Steam games with the included tool [File menu -> Backup], uninstall Steam, then reinstall Steam to the location you wish the games to go to [eg: C:\Steam].


Advanced users can use Microsoft's Junction utility to create symbolic links when running out of space on Steam's install drive, but you should never under any circumstances just cut/copy and paste an installed application folder - you never know what the resulting problems that arise may be.

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Yeah, I've hear of problems of putting games in Program Files so my Steam folder is in G drive so thats not an issue. Also, Steam has automatically updated FNV (right?) so that cannot be the cause of this mess either I believe.
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I was getting the "something bad has happened" error too. I was looking around and I saw someone post on the sourceforge site that it was a bug in the version check that caused the crash, so I tried clicking the settings button in FOMM and unchecked the "Check for new FOMod versions" box and some of the others there, so far it hasn't crashed yet where it always crashed when importing a file with the package manager. Looks like it's fixed! Edited by SLXJ
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